ABENGOWE, Dr. Chimele Usuwa

Born Tuesday, October 16, 1928

Umuakwu; Isiala-Ngwa North LGA, Abia State






Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A

Seven children

Profession Medical Practitioner, , University Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
Previous Appointments:

House Surgeon, Rush Green Hospital, Romoford, Essex, England, 1956; House Physician (Cardiac UnitX Royal Sussex Infirmary, Brighton Sussex, England, 1957; House Officer,Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital College (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria, 1957; Registrar, Paediatric Dept, UCH, Ibadan Unit 1959; Clinical Attachment (Registrar Level) in the Profession Unit of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Britol, England, 1961-62; Oxford,CardiologyTraining, England, 1963-65;.Consultant Physician and Cardiologist Government General Hospital, Port Harcourt, 1965-66; Consultant Physician and Cardiologist The Shell Delta Clinic, Port Harcourt, 1967-70; Consultant Physician and Cardiologist Red Cross Community Hospital, Carboneara, New Foundlanda, Canada, 1970-73; Asst. Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial, University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, Canada, 1973-74; Visiting Cardiologist Dept of Cardiology, St. Thomas Hospital, London, UK, 1978-79; Asst. Dean, Faculty of Medicine, ABUTH, Kaduna, 1980-98; Reader, Faculty of Medicine, ABU, Zaria, 1978- 85; Professor of Medicine/Clinical Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1985-02; Head, Dept. of Medicine, ABUTH, Kaduna, since 1974; Chief Consultant Physician, Ahmadu Bello Teaching Hospital, 1978-02; (retirement) ch: Medical Advisory Committee, ABU Teaching Hospital, 1980-83; Association of Consultants of ABUTH Kaduna, 1985-87; Hospital Disciplinary Committee Orthopedic Hospital Dala Kano, 1985-89; Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee, ABU, Zaria, 1985-89; Deputy ck, National Orthopedic Hospital Management Board, 1981-89; First ch., Board of Management Gwagwalada Specialist Hospital, Abuja, 1994; mm: ABU Teaching Hospital Management Board, 1981-83; National Orthopaedic Hospital Management Board, Dala, Kano, 1989-94; Court of Examiners, Fellowship Examination of the Faculty Medical of Internal Medicine, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, since 1982; Court of Examiners, Fellowship Examination of the West African College of Physician, Faculty of Internal Medicine, 1979-2000; mm: Elected member, New York Academy of Scrences; Cambridge University Medical Association; Newfoundland (Canada) Medical Association, High Blood Pressure Research, American Heart Association, AHA;Council of Cardiovascular Epidemiology, AHA, High Blood Pressure Council, AHA; International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, IPPNW; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Cambridge University Alumni;

Science Prize of the Year, Kings College Lagos, 1946; Federal Government of Nigeria Scholarship Award to Higher College, Yaba, 1947; British Common wealth Medical Postgraduate Scholarship Award to UK, 1963-64; Universities College Hospital, Ibadan Postgraduate Scholarship Award, UK, 1964-65;

R.Cath.Prim. Sch, Mbawsi, 1933-34; Method Demonstration Sch.,Uzuakoli, 1935-39; Govt. Middle.Sch.Owerri,194TMI; Kings College, Lagos, 1948-49; Higher Coll. Yaba, 1947-48; Univ.College, Ibadan, 1948-49; Cambridge Univ. Engl.,1949-56; St. Thom. Hosp.London

Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON), 2000; Nigeria Cardiac Society, for the Meritorious Service to the Teaching and Practice of Cardiology, 2008; Meritorious Diamond Award,Corporate & Media African Communication Ltd., 2008;

publ: Acute Emphysematous Cholesystittis. Canada Medicine Association Journal, 1974; Clinical Significance of Grossly Elevated Erthyrocyte Sedimentation Rate. Can J Med., 1974; Granulomaand Wgener’s Gramulaomatiosis in Nigeria A Report of three cases. Tropical Doctor, 1977; Incidence of Hypertension in Ahmadu Bello University, Kaduna, Nigeria J. Trap. Med., 1977; Disease Pattern among University Students in Savanna Region of Nigeria. Public Health, London, 1978; Cardiovascular Disease in Northern Nigerian Geogr. Med 1979; etc; Journals: Editorial Boaix LWest Anican Jounid of Medicine (Journal of the West African Postgraduate Medical and Surgical ); The Typhoid Fever Enigma, The New Nigeria Newspaper, 1998; Cost of Anti hypertensive Therapy in Nigena,The Guaidian Newspaper, 1999; Rappoteur, First National Workshop of the National Health Policy for AH by 2000;

reading, music, the art theatre, art exhibitions, photography, gardening, philethely traveling, sport and field games;

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