- Married
has children,
asst Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1971-73, Political Editor, Daily Times, 1973-77; snr. Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1977-80; md. Triumph Publishing Company, Kano, 1980-83; Editorial Consultant The Punch, 1983; Political detention, 1984-1985; md. Punch Nigeria Limited, 1985-87; Publisher / Editorin- Chief, The Nigerian Economist, since 1987; din Daily Times of Nigeria Ltd, 1986; mm: Political Bureau, 1986-87; Constituent Assembly, 1988-89; Board, Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research, 1977- 80; Plateau Publishing Company, Publishers of the Nigerian Standard, 1980-83; Interim ch. Petroleum Trust Fund, June 1999; dir. research, Obasanjo Presidential Campaign Organisation, snr. Special asst to President Olusegun Obasanjo; snr. Special asst. to presd. on G.77 till August 2002; mm. Nigerian Anti-Apartheid Committee; Nigerian representative, Anti-Apartheid Conference, Havana, Cuba, 1976; mm. Nigerian Delegation to the United Nations Conference, New York, USA, 1976; ch: Presidential Co-ordinating Panel, All-Nigeria Conference on Foreign Policy, Kuru, Jos, April 6- 13, 1986; G77 Smooth Summit; ThisDay Advisory Board, 2003;
North and Nigerian Unity, 1973; co-author, Nigeria, The Making of the Presidential System: 1979 General Elections, The Struggle Continues: Selected Writings on Freedom, Democracy and Liberation, 1973-84.
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