ADESIGBIN, Ayodele Agnes

Born November 8, 1912,




B.Sc, M.A

Gender: Female
Name of Spouse Latunde Olufemi Adesigbin 1939
State of Origin: Lagos
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Number of Male Children 1
Profession Educationist
Working Experience
Previous Appointments:

Teacher, American Baptist Academy, 1938-39; Teacher, Anglican Girls
Secondary School, 1943-47; Education Officer, and Teacher in History and English,
Queen’s College, Lagos, 1947-49; Establishment Officer, Lagos Public Service
Commission, 1949-50; Education Officer, Women’s Teachers’ Training College, Kano,
1950; Education Officer, Edo College, Benin City, 1950-51; Education Officer,
Government College, Ibadan, 1951-52; Assistant Director of Education, Teacher Training,
Secretariat, Ibadan, 1952-53; Education Officer and First African Principal, Teacher
Training College, Ilesha, 1953-56; Senior Assistant Secretary and Principal Assistant
Secretary, Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Treasury, Secretariat, Ibadan, 1956-
62; Vice-Principal, Advanced Teachers’ Training College, Ibadan, 1962; Liaison Officer,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Lagos and London Offices, 1963-65; Principal, St. Agnes
Teachers’ Training College, Maryland, 1966-68; Teacher, Baptist Academy, 1969;
Contract Teacher with Lagos State Ministry of Education, 1970-72;

Women’s Interest, Board of Education, Institute of Education, University of Lagos; World member, International house, 1938; British Federation of University Women Limited, 1964.

Girls’ Seminary, Lagos, 1919-20; Private Primary School, Deal, Kent, and Westgate-on-Sea, UK, 1920-24; Elementary and Secondary School, 1924-30; King’s House School, Muswell Hill, London, 1931-34; Frobel Education Institute, Roehampton, 1934-38; Teachers’ College, Columbia, USA, Julliard College, Atlanta, USA.

Olurombi’s Promise and The Magic Umbrella, Stories and Poems, Evans, 1971.

Writing, music, art, reading.

23 Bornu Crescent, P.O. Box 3698, Apapa, Lagos.

Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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