- Married
Assistant Lecturer, College of Education, University of Lagos, 1967-69; Lecturer Grade II. College of Education, Unilag, 1969-73; Lecturer Grade I, College of Education, Unilag, 1973-75; Senior Lecturer, University of Lagos, 1975-77; appointed associate Pro fessor of Education, University of Lagos, 1977-78; Professor of Education, Faculty of Education, University of llorin, 1978; Visiting Professor and Provost, University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Adeyemi Col lege of Education, Ondo 1984-85; Executive Secretary. Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council, Yaba, since June 1987; member. Presidential Committee on Brain Drain, October 1988; adviser on Education, United Nations Office, Geneva, 1975-76; Vice- Chairman, (Nigerian Committee), Interna tional University Exchange Fund (IUEF), 1976-79; acting Head, Department of Educa tional Administration, University of Lagos, 1977-79; acting Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, June-September, 1978; Head, Department of Educational Guidance and Management, University of llorin, 1979-80; Dean, Faculty of Education. Univer sity of llorin, 1980-84; Chairman, Committee of Deans of Faculties of Education in Nigerian Universities, 1983-84; Provost. Adeyemi Col lege of Education, 1984-85; member, Federal Government Study Group on Funding Educa tion in Nigeria, 1984; member. University of Ife Governing Council, 1977-81; National President, University of Ife Alumni Associa tion, 1977-81; member, Governing Board, University of Ife Staff School, 1977-79;
member, Board of Governors, Institute of Education, University of Ife, 1977-80; Educa tional Consultant for West Africa, United Na tions High Commission for Refugees, 1976-79; Secretary, Association of Lagos University Teachers, 1969-71; member of Senate, Univer sity of Lagos, 1974-76; member, Lagos Univer sity Drug Tenders Board. 1969-71; Honorary Athletics Coach, University of Lagos, 1970-71. 1973-75; member. Governing Council, Kwara College of Education, llorin; Chairman, Association of University Teachers Panel to review the criteria for appointment, promotion and discipline of staff, April 1974; Chairman, Nigerian Union of Teachers (Lagos State), Panel to investigate the allegation of hoarding of UPE materials against headmasters, February 1977; member. National Committee of the Nigeria Amateur Wrestling Association: Representative, University of llorin, in the UNESCO National Commission; member. Western State Ad-Hoc Committee to review the financing of education, 1974; member, Board of Governors, Centre for Social and Economic Research, Ahmadu Bello Universi ty, Zaria, 1980-82; fellow, Nigerian Institute of Administrative Management; associate, In st itute of Personnel Management; member, Nigerian Institute of Management; member. International Society of Educational Planners; member, Nigerian Association of Educational Administrators: member. Educational Studies Association of Nigeria; member, Nigerian Academy of Education; member, Nigerian Adult Education Association; member, Board of Advisors, International Directory for Distinguished Leadership;
Primary Education in Nigeria: A book of readings, co-editor; The Use of Indian Hemp and Drugs Among Secondary Schools Students in Lagos (Lagos University Press, 1977); Planning and Educational Development in Nigeria (Lagos, Educational Industries, 1978); Some Aspects of School Management (Lagos, Educational Industries, 1980); In troduction to Educational Planning, editor (University of Ife Press, 1981); A Cost Benefit Analysis of Education in Nigeria, co-author (University of Lagos Press, 1981); Nigerian Education: Trends and Issues, co-author (University of Ife Press, 1984); Secondary Education in Nigeria, co-author (Ibadan University Press, 1985); Educational Adminisration, co-author (Ibadan University Press, 1985); in addition to numerous articles in national and international learned journals;
meeting people, humanities
398A Herbert Macaulay Street, Yaba, Lagos.
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