ADURE, Rev. (Hon.) Joseph Tornande

Born January 8,1962;

Adure; Tyondo Village


ADURE (Hon.)



JP, B.Th, M.Th;

Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse Mrs. Sarah N. Adure, August 20, 1988
State of Origin: Benue
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Number of Male Children 4
Number of Female Children 1
Profession Clergy , Politician , Administrator
Working Experience
Previous Appointments:

Church Minister, 1990-96; Dir., NKST Mission Services, Mkar, 1997-02; Dir. Of Media Services. 200-05; Asst General Sec.Tekan, since2()fJ2;PublicRelationsOffkxrs, Reformed Ecumenical Council of Nigeria, 1999;NKSTAssistant General Sec.,since 2006; Executive Chairman, Logo Local Government Council, since2007;Chairman, Zone A Local Government Chairman Forum, Benue, State, since 2007; mm: Peace Justice and Reconciliation, since 1999; NKST Central Relief Committee, since2001; Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria, since2001; Creation of Gaambe-Tiev Local Government Committee, since 2002; Association of All Local Governments of Nigeria, award: Bristow Alumnus, 2008;Bengond.2009;ReformedTheological Seminary, 2000;sc:President, Bible Society,

NKST Primary School, Aminde, 1968-74; BnstowSecondarySchool, Gboko, 1975-79; School ofBasic Studies, Makurdi, 1980-82; Reformed Theological College of Nigeria, (now Reformed Theological Seminary), 1987-90;Theological College of Northern Nigeria, Bukuru, Jos, 1995-%; Institute of Christiana and Management Studies, Mkar, 2000-01; Benue State University, Makurdi, Currently for PhD Programme,

Member, People’s Democratic Party

football, reading, singing praises; ministering in the Church; He would like to be remembered for good reputation and for maintaining the good name of clergy,

Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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