- Married
Class teacher, 1975;Class Teacher, NKST, NYSC, Zaki-Biam, 1978-79; Ag. Principal, Girls Secondary School, Uavande, 1980-84; Vice Principal (Academics), BristowSecondarySchool,Gboko, 1984-86; 1986- 90;Vice Principal (Administration), 1988-90;SchoolGuidanceCounselor, Government Secondary School, Gboko, 1990-92; Lecturer I, Benue State University,1990-92;Snr. Lecturer, 1995-2000;Assoc Prof, 2000-03;Prof, sinceOctober2003;Ag. Headof Dept, 1992-94;HeadofDept, 1994-97; Asst Dean., 2000; Dean, Faculty of Education, 2000-02; 2002-04; Vice Chancellor, Universityof Mkar, Benue State, since 2005; ee: College of Education, Oju, 1998-2000; Editor,Journal ofProfessional Educators, Katsina- Ala; Editor-in-Chief, Benue State UniversityJoumai ofEducation; BenueStateTeaching Service Board, 1992-93; BenueState Scholarship Board,1994-97; BenueAdvance PlanCommittee, 1999;Benue StateReform Team, 2001-04; Economic Team,OurBenue,OurFuture; ch., University Board of Research Complex A, 2000-04; Appointments& Promotions Committee Complex C, 2003-04; AdvisoryBoard-Benue Progressive Youth MovementSec, Christian Association ofNigeria(Women Wing)Gboko Branch, 1998-90;TheAbundant LifeSisters’Ministry, 1987-2000; President Christian Association ofNigeria(WomenWing),GbokoBranch, 1990-93; Protem President Nigerian Association of University/Women, 1995-98; Treasurer.Associate Fellowship ofChristian Student 1984-88;Patron, Diekem Women Cooperative Society, Kyanus Village, Ugondo, Logo Local Government; Trustee/Board mem,MFASchools Katsina-Ala, University of Makurdi, since March 2005;
Counseling Association of Nigeria (MCASSON); Nigerian Psychological Association (MNPA); Professional Woman’sAdvisory Board of the American Biological Institution, 2005;
author,”PoliticsandEducation for National Development and Stability”, Education and National Stability:A BookofReadings, 1995;tafluaKeofaildhoodEx^ of Self-Concept Jos Journal ofEducation, 1977; “Gender Stereotyping& CareerChoice,NigerianJoumal ofEducation Foundations, 1997;Techniques inPersonal Social guidance: Developing Positive Self-conceptamongChildren, BenueStateUniversityJoumaiofEducation, 1999;Co-author,The Perceived FactorsAffecting Adult ChoiceofEducation in BenueState;WestAfrican Joumai ofEducationalResearch, 2000; Co-author,”Academic Freedom in the Nigerian Higher Educational System, Myth or Reality, West African Journal of Educational Research,2000; Counseling for EffectiveHuman ResourceManagementforProductivity,The Counselor,GoshenPrintMedia; CounselingforNationalEthicsandValues,the Counselor, 2001;Education oftheWheelchair Bound/amputeesTowards Independent Living, BenueState University Journal ofEducationConference Edition; GenderBiasandWomen : Education, Multidisciplinary Journal ofResearch Development Education for Today, 2003; etc; Ethics and Professional Counseling,aPaper presented at the 19*Annual Conference ofCounselingAssociation ofNigeria, Yola, 1995; The Teacher’s Personal Efficiency inthe Implementation oftheNational PolicyonEducation, apaper presented attheNigeriaAssociationofProfession Education, Katsina-Ala, 1995; The Role oftheHome inEarly Childhood Education,apaper presented at the 1*National Conference ofthe Faculty of Education, Benue State University, 2002;
Merit Award for Academic Excellence by Education Students Association, Benue State University, Merit Award for Excellence byWomen inNigeria, BenueStateChapter, 2004;CommunityofTiv Students Excellence Award; National Association ofWomenAcademic(NAWACSj.Meritorious Award; The Matriarch of Evangelical Works-by Reformed Bible College, Harga; UVOGAAward forExcellence;
reading, travelling, music;
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