B.Sc, M.Sc;
- Married
Has four children
AuditSnr., El. Ikezogwo&Co. (Chartered Accountants); Lagos, 1993-95; Accountant II, Osun State College ofEducation, lla-Orangun,Osun State, 1995-97; Internal Auditor I,Yaba College ofTechnoIogy,Yaba, Lagos, 1997-2001; Snr. Internal Auditor, Yaba College ofTechnoIogy, Yaba, Lagos, 2001 -04; Prin. Internal Auditor,Yaba College ofTechnoIogy,Yaba, Lagos, 2005-06; UdurerI,Yaba College ofTechnoIogy, Yaba, Lagos, 2006-08; Snr. Lecturer, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Lagos, since2009,mm:Joumai&Publication Committee, School of Management &Business Studies, Yaba College ofTechnoIogy, Yaba, Lagos, 2006-08; School of Management&Business Studies, Welfare Committee, 2008;School Examinations Committee, School of Management &Business Studies,YabaTech.,20064)8;Training ofTrainersCommittee, 2008; v-ch., School Examinations Committee, SMBS, since 2009; cb., Research&Publication Committee,since2009; FactFindingCommitteeon Studentship Status; Committee on Licensing of Motorcycles; College CommitteeonHeine/Land Ownership,since2008; External Assessor,Joumai ofEnvironmental Research,YaoaCollege ofTechnoIogy, External Moderator, Grace Polytechnic, Lagos; Facilitator, Institute ofCharteredAccountantsof Nigeria; mem,NASFATCo-operative SteeringCommittee.Special Marshall, Federal Road SafetyCommission; Adviserto Man O’War, ram:
Institute of Chartered AccountantsofNigeria;Chartered Institute ofTaxationofNigeria; Nigeria Institute ofManagement;
Principles&PracticeofNigerian PersonalIncome Tax, Feetal Consulting, Lagos,2004; Essentials ofCo operatives, Feetal Consulting,. Lagos, 2007; Forensic Audit inNigeria: EmpiricalAssessmentofItsDevelopment, Joumai of Business&Educational Policies, 2007; The Role ofInternal Audit in Corporate Governance of PublicLimited LiabilityCompanies in Nigeria: A CriticalReview ofits Effectiveness, paper presented ataseminarorganizedbySchool ofManagement &Business Studies, Yaba College ofTechnoIogy, Yaba, Lagos, 2007; and manywell researched papers presented inSemirars/COTferenoes;
learning new things, imparting knowledge
Plot B8,Yaba Tech. StaffCo-operative Estate, Orimerunmu.lbafo, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State
“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor
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