- Married
Has five children
Federal College of Animal Health and Husbandry, National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI), Vom, .1972-80; Federal College of Medical and Veterinary Laboratory Sciences,(NVRI), Vom, 1972-80; Lecturer (Part time), College of Medicine, University of Lagos, 1981-83; Senior Lecturer. Ambrose AIIi University, Ekpoma, 1985-88; Lecturer(Part time). University of Jos, 1987; Prof, of Microbiology, Ambrose Alii University, Ekpoma, 1988; Head of Microbiology Unit Dept. of Biological Sciences, Ambrose Alii University, 1980-88; Sub-Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences, 1988-92; Dean, 1988-92; Deputy v-c(Academic). Edo State University, Ekpoma, 1994-97; v-c, Ambrose Alii University, Ekpoma, 1999-04; ee/ assessor: University of Benin, Dept. of Microbiology B.Sc, 1990,1991, 1992; M.Sc 1981; Ph.D, 1995; Obafemi Awolowo University, M.Sc 1991; University of Calabar, Ph.D, 1994; University of Port Harcourt, Ph.D, 1992, 1995; University of lbadan, Ph.D, 1996; Institute of Medical Laboratory Science Professional Examination in Bacteriology, 1982-88; Consultant Igbinedion University, 2004-05; Executive dir., Igbinedion University International Education Centre, Okada, 2006; St.Georges Hospital, Toothing, London, 1975-77; Veterinary Laboratory, Weybridge, Surrey, England, 1976- 77;International Centre for Diarrhea Diseases Research, Bangladesh, 1981, Prof. Wauter’s Laboratory, Universiry of Brussels (University DeCatholique). Brussels, Belgium,1983; ch.. Faculty Board of Basic Medical Sciences, Edo State University, Ekpoma, 1993; Committee of Deans of Sciences of Nigeria State-Owned Universities, 1991-92;mem, of Senate, Edo State University, Ekpoma, since1986; Led the University Accreditation Teams for Its Affiliated Programmes in Lagos, 1996; Port Harcourt, 1997;
American Society of Microbiology, Washington DC.USA, 1980; f: Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, UK, 1980;Nigerian Society for Microbiology, 1977; New York Academy of Science, 1997; European Society for Clinical Microbiology, 1987; Royal College of Pathologists, London, 2003;PresidentBiotechnology SocietyofNigeria,2002;Institute of Medical LaboratoryofNigeriaandLondon,1997;mem, Bendel State Health Advisory Committee, 1990-91; mem, Governing Council, College of Education, Ekiadolor, 1992-93; mem,lrrua Specialist Teaching Hospital Management Board, 1993-94; National President Association of Medical Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria, 1996; Appointed by the Federal Ministry of Health to Serve in the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Guidelines DraftingCommittee,1995; Leader of the 3-ManTeamAppointedJointlyby the World Health Organization, (WHO) and the Federal Ministry of Health to write the Manual Entitled: Biosafety Guidelines for Laboratory Staff and other Health Workers in Contact with Dangerous Pathogens with Emphasis on HIV; mem, Ministerial Committee on Intramural Professional Practice, 2005; ah: British Council Scholarship to undertake the(A1MLS) Programme in London, 1970; Federal Government Fellowship Award for(FIMLS)Programme in London,1975- 77;Federal Government Scholarship for(Ph.D) Programme, 1975-77;
Questions and Model Answers in Medical Bacteriology, 2** Edition, 1996; co-author, Candidaalbicansin Urinary Tractor in SeminalSac.On-LineJ. Health andAlliedSciences,2003;co-aumor,Theseroprevalerice of Hepatitis’s B Surface Antigenand Human Immunodeficiency Virus among Pregnant Women in Anambra State,Nigeria. Shiraz E – Med. J., 2004;co-author, Petroleum Hdyrocarbon Degrading Capabilities of Microbial Isolates from Ripe Pawpaw Frui., Nigeria Ann.National Sciences, 2004; co-author, Lassa Virus: Sero epidemiological Survey of Rodents Caught in Ekpoma and Environs. Trop. Doctor, 2005; conferences: Presented Lecture on”Proper Laboratory Diagnosisc Typhoid” at the Nigeria Institute for Medical Research, Lagos, 2002; Addressed a Congress of Edo People in the United States of America on the State of the arts at the Ambrose Alii University, Ekpoma in Saint Fracisco, 2002;Presented Lecture on: “Development and Management ofAllt’ed Professional Staff at the Conference of Chairmen and Chief executives, Tertiary Hospitals vi Nigeria at Merit House Conference, Abuja, 2003; Environmental Impact Assessment at Eriemu in(SPDC), Western Location, Warri, Nigeria, 1992/93;
table tennis, football (watching), lawn tennis, listening to good music
5,Ajayi Street off Egharevba Street off Upper Mission Road, New Benin, Benin City, Edo State;
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