B.Sc, M.Sc. Ph.D;
- Married
has children
Forest Superintendent, Forest Management Division Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Headquarters Ibadan, 1977-81; Lecturer, Federal College of Forestry NYSC, Ibadan, 1985-86; 1992-2000; Higher Forest Superintendent Forest Management Division FRIN HQ,Ibadan, 1986-91; Administrative Officer II, 1991-93; Senior Administrative Officer, 1996-99; Principal AdministrativeOfficer,1999-01; Registrar, Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan, 2001 -02; Redeployed toJos, 2002-05;ActingHead of Administration, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, FRIN,I badan, 2005-06; Head of Administration, since2006;Asst dir./Head, Administration. currently, Lecturer: Federal College ofForestry,Jos,2003-05;Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo,Ondo State, 1997- . 03; Delta State University, Abraka, Ibadan Campus, 1998-03; sec, Senior Staff Appointment Promotion and Advancement Committee; EDFRIN/Provost Committee; Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Pension Board of Trustees; Tenders Board, FRIN, Board of Survey; Budget Committee; mem, Staff Training and Development Committee; ch., Internal Welfare Committee; FRIN Guest Chalets Committee; mm: Forestry Association of Nigeria (1-AN); Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM); Institute of Personnel Management ofNigeria,1995; award: Merit Award Master of Industrial and Labour Relations Students Association, University of lbadan, 1992; Meritorious Oyo State Amateur Volleyball Association(OYSAVA), 1998; Ambassador’s Certificate Award,The Nigerian Youths Soccer Association (NYSA), 2000;GoldMedal Award for Excellence in Sports Administration, National Council of Research Institutes Games Association(RlGAN),2001;Gold Medal,National Council of Research Institutes Gaines Association (R1GAN), 2003; Certificate of Merit Award bytheStudents Union Government Federal College of Forestry, Jos, 2002-03; Meritorious and Outstanding Service-Award; Meritorious Service Award, The Students’ Union Government, Federal College ofForestry, Jos. 2003-04; Leadership Award, Students Union Government Federal College of Forestry, Jos. 2004-05;Crystal Magazine in Recognition of Diligence and Commitment to the Growth of Forestry inAfrica,2008;
Leisure Patterns and Attitude Towards Retirement: A Comparative Study Among Bank Workers and Civil Servants in Ibadan, 1985; Labour-Management Relations in Seven- Up Bottling Company PIc, Ibadan, 1992; Human Resources Management in Research Institutes in Nigeria (A Case Study of Forestry Institute of Nigeria, 2002; A Critical Examination of the Central Concerns of the Early Anthropologist Showing the Impact of these on the Subsequent Development of Anthropology as a Discipline.TheIfeSOCANTHROPOLOG1ST, 1983; Basic Concepts in Sociology and Anthropology, The Ife SOCANTHROPOLOGIS1, 1985; Meeting the Needs of Organization Employees Toward Motivation for High Performance, The Ife SOCANTHROPOLOG1ST, 1985;Socio-cultural and Economic Studies of Okomu Forest Reserve in Edo State, Nigeria Journal of Agriculture and Environment 1999; Appraisal of KNARDA Extension Delivery System on Women in three Zones of Kano State, Accepted for in the Nigerian Journal of Forestry Research and Management 2004; Socio-cultural and Economic Studies of Okomu Forest Reserve: (In Okomu Forest Reserve: Ecology and Management)A Report of the National Agricultural Research Project Priority Research Project 2000; Social Forestry, An Article Published in the VOICE OFTHEWILD(FOWISA), Journal of the Faculty of Forestry and Wildlife, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 2007; Organizational Behaviour and Managing People, 1998;
reading, farming, watching sports films, sports administration
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