- Married
ch., PUB. C’MH, 1988; Ag. Information Officer (NSCDC), 1988; District (NSCDC), 1990: ch., Fin: C’MH, 1992; HOD, Planning, 1992; HOD, Special Duties, 1994; ch., Promo., 1994; Action C’MH. Sec,2001; Asst. Commandant 1991; Ag. Commandant 1995; Substantive/Confirmed Commandant 1995;Ag.AsstCommandant/General Zonal CommanderZone *E\2005-07; Deputy Commandant General, 2007; designed ranks, uniform, flag and logo for Kano State Hisbah Board; constructed a mosque for five daily prayers; mm: IICA; MNIM; FICA; IPSO (FACTOR); MCIA;
‘Enyioha One’, Ohaji/Egbema Local Government Area,ImoState
Doctorate Award, PhD (Public Admin.), Atla University. USA, 2007;
Most Outstanding Public Administrator,
football, reading, travelling, swimming;
817/818,Maikalwn Yanlemo Najbawa Kumbotso LGA, Kano State.
He would like to be remembered for raising NSCDC to her present status and for being one of the five people that wrote the NSCDC proposed bill before it was enacted into law
“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor
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