B.Sc,.M.Sc, Ph.D;
- Married
has five children
Clerical Officer, West African Examination Council, 1980-82; Education Officer, (NYSC), Community Secondary School, Neni, Anambra State, 1986-87; Research Asst/Statistician, National Onchocerciasis Research Programme, Kano State, 1989; Part time Demonstrator, University of Jos, 1991-95; Senior Lecturer, University of Benin, since 1996; Seminar Coordinator, Dept of Animal and Environmental Biology, Uniben, 2002-04; Sport Representative, Bendel Sports Council, 1978; Security Committee, Congregation Representative, 1999-2000; Library and Routine Publication Committee, Faculty of Science Representative, since 2000;
: Entomological Society of Nigeria, since 1989; Nigerian Society of Parasitology, since1991; Entomological Society of America, since 2004; f: Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, since 2003; conferences: co-author, Age Structure and Diurnal Activity of Musca Domestical (Diptera: Muscidae), 35*Annual Conference of the Entomological Society ofNigeria,Akure,2004;co-author, Mosquitoes and the Environment Challenges and Some Economic Costs of Malaria in Nigeria, 34*Annual Conference of the Entomological Society of Nigeria Lagos, 2003;
co-author, Resting Site Preferences of Cimex helipterums in Human Dwelling in Benin City, Nigeria, 36*Annual Conference of the Entomological Society of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, 2005; publ:co-author, Breeding Site Preferences of Anopheine Mosquitoes in Benin City, Nigerian Journal of Entomology, 2003; co-author, Resting SitePreferences in Domestic Spiders in Benin City, Nigeria, Joumai of Science and Technology Research, 2004;co-author, Some Observations on the Bionomicsor Phlebotomus Papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Benin City, Nigeria, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Studies, 2005; co-author, Observation on Fleas of Common Domestic Mammals in Benin City,Nigeria, African Scientist 2005;
University Research Publication Grant 1998; 2004
1,Dr.AigbodionCrescent off Ogbemudia Street Evbuomore Quarters,Benin City.
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