Health Education Specialist, Tennessee Public Health Dept. Nashville, Tennessee, 1984; Asst. to the Dean for Minority Affairs, College of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, the Pennsylvania State University, 1984-87; Asst.-Prof., Health Education, College of Health and Human Development, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania State University Park, Pennsylvania, 1984-91; Visiting Professor of Health Care in Developing Countries,An Annual Summer certificate program, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, 1986-91; Sabbatical Leave, the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, Brazzaville, Malawi, Nigeria and the United Nations Development Program inNigeria, 1991-92;Assoc. Prof, mid Head, Dept of Health Education, College Health and Human Development, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, 1991-2000;Assoc.Prof.,Behavioral Health, Dept of Biobehavioral Health, College of Health and Human Development, The Pennsylvania State University, 1997-2000; Prof, of Behavioral Health, Dept. of Biobehavioral Health, College of Health and Human Development The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, 2000; ch.,Board of Associate Editors,The Journal of Health Education, 1995-97: Editorial Board,American Joumai ofHealth Behavior, 1994-2000; Reviewer, Health Education Research: Theory and Practice, 1990; Faculty Advisor, Eta Sigma Gamma( National Professional Health Science Honorary), 1984-90; V-ch, Study Committee on International Health American School Health, Association 1987-88; Co-Vice Presd; Society, for Public Health Education, 1997-98
American Public Health Association; Society for Public Health Education; National Council for International Health; International Union of Health Promotion and Education
First Aid and Emergency care: Procedures and Practice, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, 1989; Health and Culture: Beyond the Western Paradigm, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, 1995; co-author, Future Directions in HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support. Attaining Global Health: Challenges and Opportunities, Population Bulletin, 2000; Co-author, TheGlobal Contexts ofHealth Behavior Research: Implications for Medicine and HeaIth,Annals of Behavioral Medical andHealth, 2001;workshops/seminars:Perspective on AIDS in Africa: Strategies for Prevention and Control, 2nd International Conference onAIDS Education,Charleston, South Carolina, 1988;Workshop on HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa, Blantyr, Malawi, sponsored byWHO, 1992; Communications frameworks for HIV/AIDS inAsia,The International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, Kuala, 1999; co-author, ANew UNAIDS Framework for Communicating HIV/AIDS Messages, 12*World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland, 1998;GroupLeader,Conference on International Activities in Changing Global and Regional Contexts,The CIC Agenda, Indiana University, Bloomington, 1996;
National Deans List 1979-80; Presidential award. Forum on Black Affairs, Penn State, 1993; Young Professional award, America Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1993; Outstanding Young Men of America, 1987; Outstanding International student award, Chowan College, Murfreesboro, North Carolina, 1977; The 1998 Scholar of the American Association for Health Education, 1997
1331 Shamrock Avenue, State College, PA 16801
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