Teacher, Merced College, California, USA, 1972; Lecturer, Haystack Mountain Crafts School, Deer Isle, Maine, USA, 1974; Artist-in-Residence, National Black Theatre, New York, USA;Jurist Nedlaw and Baringa Exhibitions,
National Gallery of Zimbabwe, 1986; Art Man’s Gallery, Osogbo. exh/cw:Third Anniversary Celebration of Mbari Mbayo, Osogbo, 1965; Goethe Institute, Lagos, 1970- 75;1977; The Paintings of Twins Seven Seven. USIS,Ibadan, 1970;Merton D,Simpson Gallery,NewYork, USA, 1972; Modeme Kunst cms Oshogbo, Neue Munchner Galerie, Munich, Germany, \%5; Oshogbo Artists, Goethe Institute, Lagos, 1969; African Paintings at BBC. Bush House, London, 1970; Oeuvres Africaines Nouvelles, Museede I’Homme, Paris, France, 1970; Modeme Mdlerei inAfiika, Museum fur Volker Kunde,Vienna, Austria, .1970-71; Ten Artists from Nigeria, Arts Club of Washington, DC, 1971; Modem African Art, Everson Museum of Art,Syracuse, NewYork, USA, 1973; Iwalewa: Ajrikanische Kunst Heute, Stadtische Galerie, Regensburg, Germany, 1985; Paintings and Drawings, Italian Cultural Institute, Lagos, 1990; and several others,
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