has 2 kids
Teacher, Qua Iboe Miss ion Sch., Odoro Ikot, Ess ien Ud im, 19 59-60: Clerk, Banking Office. Ccntral Bank of Nigeria, Lagos, 1961-62: Research Asst. Dept. of Finance and Business Environment, College 01′ Business Admin, Un iv, or Oregon, Eugene, U.S.A, 1967; Vi siting Lecturer and Acting Dean, College of Business Admin and Economics, Alaska Methodist Univ. Anchorage, Alaska , U.S.A, 1968; Lecturer, Dept. of Finance, College of Business Admin, Univ. of Nebraska , Lincoln, U.S.A, 1968-70; Director, Work Study Education Programme, United States Air force Logistics Command, Macelland Airforce Base, California. U.S.A, 1971-72; Associate Prof. of Finance, Sch. of Business Admin .. Cal iforn ia State Uni vers ity. Sacramcnto, Cal i fornia , U.S.A, 1970-75; Seni or Consultant and Head of Rcsearch Dept.. Cent re for Management Development, Lagos, 1976- 78 ; Director-Gcnera l, Ccntre for Managemcnt Development, Lagos, 19 78- 89; Chairman/Managing Consult ant, Applied Resources Consortium Ltd., 1989-prcse nt; Carecr Relatcd Responsibilit ies: Chairman, Economic Advisory Committee, AKS Gov!., Uyo, 1993-95, Mcm. Special Committee on the Review of the Civil Service Reforms, 1993; Mem. National Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commiss ion, 1990- present; Mem. 1mplementalion Committee for the Commercial isation of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation , 1988-90, Mem. National Directorate of Employment, 1986-88; Mem. S~dy Groupcn the Reorganisation of the Federal Civil Service, 1985; Mem. The Management Consultancy Technical Committee of the Lagos State Govt. Consultancy Board, 1986; Administrative Committee of Inquil¥ into the Activities of the Lagos State Transport Corporation, 1984; Govt. Committee on the Role and Staffing of the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria, 1978-79; National Manpower Board, 1978-79; Governing Council Industrial Training Fund, 1978-89; Nigerian Council for Management Development, Lagos, 1978-87; Economic Advisory Council, eRS, 1977-83; Board of Studies, Ibadan •Polytechnic, 1979-80; Board of Studies, Faculty of Admin, OAU, IIe-Ife, 1980-86; Board of Studies, Nigerian Institute of Management, 1986; Board of Advisers, In1ietnational Asscn of Students in Economics and Management, 1982; Mem. of Council, Nigerian Asscn of Management Consultants, 1978- 89; Mem., Nigerian Asscn of Schools of Management Education and Training, 1979-89; Mem., Institute of Management Consultants ofNigeria, 1979-89; Mem., Nigerian Marketing Asscn., 1978-89; Vice Pres., Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria, 1991 amongst”6ther such responsibilities; Dr Udoaka has carried out numerous international assignments and was Vice Chairman, UN Expert Group on Joint Ventures and Public Enterprises on Developing Countries, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1979; Mem. EX”ecutive Committee, International Council on the Management of Population Programmes, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1979-83; Mem., ICPE Expert Group on the Role of Public Enterprises in the Advancement of Women, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1983; National Consultant, UNDP/IAPSO Project on Increasing Procurement from Developing Countries, 1991; Mem. and Rapporteur, UN Expert Group on Institution Building for Management Development, Bankgok, Thailand, 1979; National Expert, UNIDO Project for Strengthening Capacity/Capability for Industrial Management in English Speaking ECOW AS Countries~ 1989 amongst others; Former Director General, Centre for Management Development, Chairman/ Managing Consultant, Applied Resources Consortium Ltd
Chairman, Board of Directors: . Mercantile Bank of Nigeria PLC, 1978-89; Mem., Advisory Board, The Enabling Environment Forum for Private Sector Contribution to the Development in Nigeria, 1989-present; Mem., Committee to ReVIew the Listing Requirements of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, 1976; Director, Sheraton Hotel and Towers, lkeja, 1991-present; Chairman, Eastland General Services Ltd. 1993-present; Mem., Working Party on the Promotion of Small Business of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1984; Editor in Chief, Nigerian Management Review, Lagos, 1980- 89; Mem., Editorial Board, Public_ Enterprises Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1981~83; Mem., Editorial Advisory Board, Nigerian Journal of Business Administration, Benin, I 986-present; Mem., Editorial Advisory Board, The Kongo Journal of Management, Zaria, 1987-present; Review Editor, Nigerian Journal of Marketing, Enugu, 1988; Awards: Institute of International Education F ello’Y, Leadership Development Programme, Eugene, Oregon and Claremont, California, U.S.A, 1965-69; Fellowship Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, U.S.A, 1968-69; Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Central Banking Fellowship, 1972; Fellow Nigerian Marketing Asscn., 1984; Fellow, Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria, 1987; Listed in Who’s Who in International Human Resources Development, (IFTCO), Edinburgh, Scotland, 1981; Men of Achievement ; Who’s Who in the Commonwealth; Who’s Who in Nigeria, 1990; Professional Memberships: Mem., International Management Asscn.; Mem., Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria; Mem.,• Nigerian Marketing Asscn., Fellow; African Asscn for Public ‘Administration and Management; Mem., Nigerian Economic Society; Mem., Financial Management Asscn (Life Mem.); Mem., American Finance Asscn.; Mem.; Delta Sigma Pi; (Professional Business Administration Society); Fellow, Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria;
Five books, more than fifty articles, numerous research works, case studies, conference and lecture Papers
National Consultant, Federal Ministry of Health World Bank; Consultant, International Council on the Management of Population Programmes, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Mem. of tile Executive Council, Africa.l Asscn for PubJic Admin and Management, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1983-86; Leader, Nigerian Delegation and Vice Chairman, ECAlOAU Conference of Experts on the Role of Public Enterprises in the Implementation of the Lagos Plan of Action for the Economic Development of Africa to the year 2,000, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1982;
Tennis, Photography, Listening to Music, Farming, Reading;
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