- Married
Teacher, Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, 1956-57; Methodist Church of Nigeria, 1960-67; Headmaster, Methodist Central School, Ukwali, Ogoni, Boro, Port Harcourt, 1964; Research asst, University of Lagos, 1968; Chemical Sales asst, Shell Nigeria Ltd. 1969; Economist/Market Analyst, Shell Nigeria Ltd., 1970-71; Head, Market Analysis & Forecasting Unit, 1971-72; Economist, Marketing Dept. Nigerian National Oil Corporation, 1972-73; Head, Economic Intelligence Division, 1973-77; Head, Crude Oil Sales Operations, 1977-81; Head/gm., Crude Oil Marketing, 1981-86; gm.. Petroleum Inspectorate, 1986-88; Deputy dir., Dept. of Petroleum Resources, Ministry of Petroleum Resources, 1988-93; excu. sec, Petroleum Equalisation Fund Management, 1993; group edir., Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Commercial and Investment Activities, 1993-95; ch./ceo., Danakan Investments and Consulting Ltd., since 1995;
OPEC Economic Commission Board, Vienna, Austria, 1981-86; Federal Revenue Monitoring Committee, 1992-95; Nigerian Economics Society
A Paper in International Economics: The Role of Foreign Investment in the Manufacturing and Agricultural Sectors of the Nigerian Economy, 1962-66;
reading, voluntary aid/relief activities
“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor
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