B.Sc, M.Sc. Ph.D, FCAN
- Married
asst. Lecturer. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna, 1979; Lecturer II, 1981; Lecturer I. 1984; Supervisor Practical Course, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, U.K. 1981-83: demonstrator. Separations Techniques, Chromatographic Unit. University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Manchester, U.K., 1982-84; lecturer I, Analytical Chemistry, Ahmadu Bello University. Zaria, 1984-87; snr. Lecturer, Analytical. Instrumentation/ag. Head. Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Minna Niger State 1987-88; a-prof.. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Minna. Niger State, 1987-92: National Expert, UNIDO, 1991-2000; currently^ dg./ceo.. Standard Organisation of Nigeria, SON. since 2002: e-e: Chemistry. Department Kaduna Polytechnic, 1985-88; Chemistry Department Kaduna. Polytechnic Kaduna. 1991-92; sec. Federal University of Technology, Minna Chapel Niger State. 1987-92; mm: Chromatographic Society, U.K.. 1980-86; Royal Society of Chemistry. U.K.. 1980-86; Board, Nigerian Raw Materials Research and Development Council; Multi- Disciplinary Task Force on Chemicals/Pharmaceuticals, 1988-90; Editor, Nigerian Journal of Technology Research. 1988-92; Federal University of Minna. Library, Minna, Niger State. Council for none Destructive Testing of Nigeria; Federal University of Technology. Minna, Committee on Sexual Harassment, Minna. Niger State. 1991- 92; 1988-92; University Senate. Federal University^ Technology Minna, Niger State, 1988-92; Board. Nigeria Industrial Trainings Fund, Chemical Network, since 1989; Federal University of Technology. Senate/council committee for the selection ofv-c. Federal University of Technology. Minna Niger State, since 1989; Federal University of Technology, Minna; student welfare committee, 1989-92; LOC Committee of v-c Conference, Federal University of Technology. Minna, Niger State, sincc 1989; Board of National Food and Drug Administration (NAFDAC). since 2001; Presidential Committee of the Revival of Textile Industries in Nigeria, since 2002;
Chartered Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria;
Chromatographic Society Award, USA, 1986; Brownlee Chromato graphic Award, Amsterdam; Tswett Foundation Award for Chromato graphic Society, Amsterdam; Award of Excellence, Nigerian Institute of Production Management; Award of Excellence, Foam Group of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria: Distinguished Man of the Year and nomination to the Advisory Board of Selection – American Biographic Institute; Distinguished Standing Award, Research Board of Advisors, The American Biographic Institute, among others, ch: Central Equipment Maintenance Committee, 1990-92; Implementation Committee, World Bank Project, Federal University of Technology, Minna, (Establishing Laboratories and Libraries Minna Niger State. 1990-92; JAMB Examination Officer, Ahmadu Bello Un.versity, Zaria, Kaduna, 1984-87; Technical Sub-Committee on the Presidential Committee for revival of Textile Industries in Nigeria since 2002; National Expert, United Nations Institutional Development Organisation; Project Assistance to dir. (Training Services) Standards Organization of Nigeria;
hunting, fishing, gardening, lawn tennis, hockey, writing and teaching;
: 40, Ayodele Okeowo Street, after Deeper Life Church Gbagada. Lagos State; pha: Block OFlats, Flat I. GRA Minna. Niger State
“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor
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