- Married
appointed house physician, King’s College Hospital, London, 1958; clinical assistant, The London Hospital Medicine Unit, 1959-60 Commonwealth research fellow, Balliol College, University of Oxford, and Department of Regius Professor of Medicine, 1962-64; consultant physician, University of Ibadan, 19- 64; became lecturer, 1964; promoted senior lecturer, 1966 and dean, Medical School, University of Ibadan, 19- 70-74; chairman, Committee of Deans, University of Ibadan, 1972-74; visiting professor. Harvard Medical School, United States of America, 1974-75, member, Royal College of Surgeons, England; member Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 19- 61 fellow, Royal College of Physicians, 1968, member, Medical Rese arch Society of United Kingdom and International Society for Hypertension, member, International Society of Nephrology; member, Scientific Advisory Panel CIBA Foundation, also member, World Health Organisa tion (WHO) Expert Advisory Panels on Cardiovascular Diseases and Pro fessional and Technical Education of Medical and Auxilary Personnel; au thor of “High Blood Pressure in the African” (Churchill Living Stone, London and Edinburgh, 1972), “Pri orities in National Health Planning” (Caxton Press, 1974) and co-editor of “Hypertension in Africa” (Literamed Publications, 1975); Married WHO 73 AKINKUGBE, (Professor) Oladipo Olujimi, physician, educationist, Vi ce-Chancellor, University of llorin; Born: July 17, 1933, at Ondo, Ondo State; Education: Government Col lege, Ibadan, 1946-51; University Co llege, Ibadan, 1951-55 The London Hospital, University of London 19- 55-1958; University of Liverpool, England, 1960; University of Oxford, England, 1962-64 – got Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1960 holds the MB, B.S., D. Phil, and M.D. degrees, appointed house physician, King’s College Hospital, London, 1958; clinical assistant, The London Hospital Medicine Unit, 1959-60 Commonwealth research fellow, Balliol College, University of Oxford, and Department of Regius Professor of Medicine, 1962-64; consultant physician, University of Ibadan, 19- 64; became lecturer, 1964; promoted senior lecturer, 1966 and dean, Medical School, University of Ibadan, 19- 70-74; chairman, Committee of De ans, University of Ibadan, 1972-74; visiting professor. Harvard Medical School, United States of America, 1974-75, Vice-Chancellor, University of llorin
member, Royal College of Surgeons, England; member Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 19- 61 fellow, Royal College of Physicians, 1968, member, Medical Rese arch Society of United Kingdom and International Society for Hypertension, member, International Society of Nephrology; member, Scientific Advisory Panel CIBA Foundation, also member, World Health Organisation (WHO) Expert Advisory Panels on Cardiovascular Diseases and Pro fessional and Technical Education of Medical and Auxiliary Personnel;
Nigeria National Order of Merit Award (NNOM), Commander of the Order of Niger (CON) 1979, Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic (CFR) 2004, National Honour of Cote d’ voire,
author of “High Blood Pressure in the African” (Churchill Living Stone, London and Edinburgh, 1972), “Pri orities in National Health Planning” (Caxton Press, 1974) and co-editor of “Hypertension in Africa” (Literamed Publications, 1975);
squash, music,
Member of Rotary Club.
“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor
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