AKINOLA, Prof. Julius Olufemi

Born March 19,1940






B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D;

Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse Stella Obasola Osunloye, 1968
State of Origin: Osun
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Number of Male Children 2
Number of Female Children 2
Profession university teacher, researcher, administrator
Working Experience
Previous Appointments:

Senior Science Master, Methodist High School, llesa, 1964-66; Part-time Demonstrator, Department of Agricultural Biology and Part-time Research Assistant (Rockefeller Foundation), Department of Agronomy, University oflbadan, 1966-69; ResearchOfficer/Head ofGrassland Section, Federal Department ofAgricultural Research Ibadan, March-October 1969; Junior Research f. Department of Agronomy. Universityoflbadan, 1969-70, Part-time Tutor/Demonstrator, Department ofAgriculture, University ofQueensland, Australia, 1971 -72; Research f.I,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1973-74. snr.Research K/snr. Lecturer, 1974-77; Reader, 1977-79; prof.1979; visiting Scientist, Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland, Australia, 1979-80; ag. Dean, Postgraduate School. Ahmadu Bello University. Zaria. 1983: visiting prof. Department ofAnimalScience, ObafemiAwolowoUniversity, lle-lfe, 1987- 88, prof. Forage Agronomy, Department ofAnimal Production and Health, LadokeAkintola University ofTechnoIogy, Ogbomoso, since1991; Senate, Ahmadu Bello University, 1979-91, University AdmissionsCommittee, 1981- 85; deputy ch: Association School, Igara-Okc Osun State, 1951-52; Christ’s School, Ado Ekiti; ch. of Deans of Faculties of Agriculture in Nigerian Universities, 1984-85; ch: SenateCommittee,Scholarships/Prizes Award, LadokeAkintola University ofTechnoIogy,mm:CurriculumVitae Committee, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology; ch: Interview Panel for Appointment; examiner. Biology,West African Examinations Council. 1965- 70; ee: Final Diploma inRange Management Division ofAgriculturalColleges, Ahmadu Bello University, Mado Road. Kaduna, 1975-76; Supervisor, Nigerian Joint Matriculation Examination, 1978; ee: Department ofAnimalScience, University ofSokoto, 1981-83;

United Nations Development Programme Country Programmes; Editorial Board oftheJournal Production Research, Shika. since 1979, Nigeria Society for Animal Production, Science Association ofNigeria, Agricultural Society ofNigeria, British Grassland Society,Tropical Grassland Society ofAustralia, International Grassland Congress;

AllSaints School, Ipetu-Ijesa, 1946-50; St. PaulAnglican 1953-57; University College. Ibadan. 1960-64; Universityoflbadan, 1966-69; University ofQueensland, Brisbane, Queensland. Australia. 1970-73

co author, Effects of Cutting Frequency and Levels of Applied Nitrogen on Productivity, 1971; Chemical Composition andRegrowth PotentialofThree Cyndon Strains: Yield. Chemical Composition and Weed Composition. Nigerian Agricultural Joumai; and numerous articles and papers innational and international scientific journals,

table tennis, gardening

Ebenezer 1 House, JohnBrown,ApakeArea,Ogbomoso, OyoState.

Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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