- Married
House Physician, Lagos University Teaching Hospital. 1975; House Surgeon, Lagos UniversityTeaching Hospital, 1975; House Pediatrician. Lagos University Teaching Hospital. 1976; S.H.O. (Medical) General Hospital. Dutsin-NIa Kaduna State, 1976-77; S.H.O. (Medicine) Lagos University Teaching Hospital. 1977; Locum S.H.O. Medicine. Oldham District, General Hospital, Rochdale Road Oldham, Lancashire, 1978; Locum S.H.O. General Medicine (Cardiology and Rheumatology), Burlcy General Hospital, Lancashire, 1979-80; Medical Registrar. Cardiothoracic Unit. Meanskirk Hospital. Glasgow, 1980-81: Medical Registrar, Cardiology and Chest), Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gate-shead. England, 1981-82; Chief Physician/Head. Cardiac Laboratory. Medifad Diagnostic and Heart Center, Lagos. 1982-88; Treasurer. Nigerian Cardiac Society. 1994-96; Coordinator: Manual: guidelines in Management of Hypertension. 1996; Workshop on Tobacco Control, 1997; Principal Investigator, World Health Organisation Verbal Autopsy study in Five Developing countries. 1996-97; v-presd. Nigerian Heart Foundation. 1992; v-ch. Guild of Medical Directors. 1994-96; v-presd. Nigerian Guild of Medical Directors, 1998; secgen. African Head Network. 2001; Chicd Consulting Physician/Medical dir. Humana Medical Center, since 1998
British Medical Association, 1978; Pan African Society of Cardiology, 1993; International Society of Hypertension in Blacks. 1994; Governing Council. Nigerian Cardiac Society. 1989-96; Nigerian Society of Hypertension, 1996; National Medical Committee on review of Petroleum Trust Found Input in Health Sector, 1999-2000; Hospital Management Board Federal Medical Center, Abeokuta, 2000; International Advisory Board, 12l World Conference on Tobacco or Health. Helsinki. Finland, 2003 Foundation; Board of Trustees, Nigeria Guild of Medical Directors, 199-98; Board of Trustees. Nigerian Heart Foundation. 1992;
International Society and Federation ofCardiology (Council of Epidemiology and Preventive Cardiology). 1995; National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland. 1995; Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Departmenl of Public Health and General Practice, University of Kuopio. 1998-99; P.O. White. World Heart Federation with European Heart Network, Dublin Ireland. 1998
Health Problems of Executives in Nigeria, ISBN 987 304 3803, 1987; Warfare and Health in West-African (Zed-Books). Helsinki, 2000; He has published several local and international journals and attended many conferences and seminars; cw: Periodical Heart Health Programmes on National Television and Radio;
National Scholar. 1970-75; Class Prize in Pathology. 1973; University Exchange Scholarship, 1973; Kings College/Adden Brooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Oyo State Scholar, 1978-81
golf, lawn-tennis, table tennis
Ikoyi Club, 1938; IBB Golf and Country International Club; ADA Country Golf Club; Apomu Club
36, Raymond Njoku Street, Ikoyi, Lagos;
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