- Married
House Surgeon, State Hospital, He Ife, 1973-74; House Physician, State Hospital, lie Ife, April 1974-June 1974; Medical Officer, General Hospital, Omu Aran, NYSC, 1974 75; Rating Registrar, University College Hospital, Ibadan, 1976-78; Registrar, Renal Unit, Guy’s Hospital, University of London, 1979-80; snr. Registrar, University College Hospital, Ibadan, 1979-82; Lecturer/Consultant Physician and Nephrologist, Obafemi Awolowo University, He Ife, 1982-84; Senior Lecturer/Consultant Physician/Nephrologist (Medicine), Obafemi. Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 1984-89; WellcomeTrust Postdoctoral Research f., Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom, October 1990-91; Clinical f.. Renal Unit, Manchester Royal Infirmary, United Kingdom, 1991-92; Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 1992-94; Head, Department of Medicine/Head of Renal Unit, 1994-95; Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, since August 1995; mm: Board of Governors, Baptist High School, Iwo, since 1995; ch: Renal Task Committee, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex, He Ife, since 1990; Examiner: Nigerian Postgraduate College of Physicians; University of Ibadan; University of Benin; University of Lagos College of Medicine; University of Ilorin Medical School,
Nigerian Medical Association, Nigerian Association of Nephrology; presd. Nigerian Society of Nephrology; New York Academy of Sciences, International Society of Nephrology, European Dialysis and Transplant Association,
co-author. Recovery of Renal Function After 33 Days of Complete Bilateral Obstruction, African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 1983; co-author. Clinical Experience with Viskaldix: A Combination of Pindolol and Clopamide, Current Therapeutic Research, 1984; co-author. The Problems of Follow Up of Renal Transplant Patients in the Tropics, Tropical Geographical Medicine, 1992; co-author, Seizures Associated with Filariasis, Central African Medical Journal, 1994
jogging, lawn tennis, politics
Odidere Club, Iwo
House 2, Road 17A, Obafemi Awolowo University Campus, Ile-Ife, Osun State
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