Industrial Attache. AkintolaWilliams, Delloitte& Co. DLine, Port Harcourt, 1992-93; Asst. Accountant Crown Trust Ltd., Ibadan, 1996-2000; Head, Credit&MarketingTeam, Corporate and Strategic Planning Dept. Supervisor. Audit Inspection Dept, Intercontinental Bank PIc, 2000-01; Asst Manager&Head Corporate Planning, Metropolitan Bank Ltd, 2001-04; worked with National Bank, Global Communication Ltd & First City Monument Bank; Managing Dir., Integrated Microfinance Bank PIc;
Doctorate of Letter,(D.Litt), European-American University Dominica, 2009,
TheMost Profitable Branch Manager Award, 2001;TheMost Profitable Profit Centre Management Award, 2002;The Most ProfitableGroup Head Award, 2003;TheMost Profitable Division Head Award, 2004; Youth EmpowermentAward toIntegrated Microfinance BankbyOoduaYouth Forum; WestAfrica Institute ofDirect Marketing Award forthe BestSMESupport Microfinance BankinWestAfrica,2007;ft Institute of Chartered Accountant ofNigeria; InstituteofManagement Development(IMD), Cosine, Switzerland; Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania;
“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor
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