NYSC, Ministry of Education Sokoto, 1985-86; Librarian I, Forestry Research Institute ofNigeria, Ibadan, 1989; Senior Librarian, Forestry Research Institute, Ibadan, 1992; Principal Librarian, I995;Asst ChiefLibrarian, 1998; ChiefLibrarian, 2001; College Librarian, Federal College ofForestry, Ibadan, 1998-08; Asst. Dir., Information & Documentation, Forestry Research Institute ofNigeria, since 2005; Head, Information and Documentation, Forestry Research Institute ofNigeria, Ibadan, currently, mm: Editorial Board, Joumai ofLibrary and Information Science, Publication ofOlabisiOnabanjo UniversityLibrary; Internal Management Committee, Federal College ofForestry, Ibadan; College Academic Board, Federal College ofForestry, Ibadan; Tender Board, Federal College Research Institute, Ibadan; Library Committee, Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan; Junior Staff Promotion Committee, Forestry Research Institute ofNigeria, 2007; 2008; StaffDevelopment and Training Committee; Sec, Senior Staff Association, FRIN, 1998-02;ch.,StaffTraining and DevelopmentCommittee, Federal College ofForestry, Ibadan; Student DisciplinaryCommittee, Federal College ofForestry, Ibadan; Revenue Generation Committee, Federal College ofForestry, Ibadan; Senior StaffAssoc, ofFederal Research Institute ofNigeria, 2000-06; VicePresident-General, Senior StaffAssociation of Universities, Teaching Hospitals, Research Institutes and Allied Institutions(SSAUTHRIA J, since 2006;
Forestry Association ofNigeria; Ecological Society of Nigeria; International Society ofTropical Foresters; International Biometrics Society;
: Academic Libraries, theInternet andits Potential Impact onTeaching andLearning in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions. Journals of Library and Information Science, V61.I&2 Co-Authored, (2004); Co-author, The Potential of E-Leaming in Transforming Tertiary Education inNigeria Journal ofQualitative Education, Vol.2, N.2,2005; A Studyon the Emerging Concept of Environment Information for Policy Formulation SCAULWANewsletter, 2005; Issues and Insight into Digitization ofLibraries inNigeria. Knowledge Review. Vol. 16 No. 1,2008; and several otherwellresearched articles inlearned Journals; Software Choice Parameters for Computerization in the Polytechnic/ Monotechntc Libraries inNigeria Paper presented attheNational Board for Technical Education (NBTE) Workshops for Polytechnic/Monotechnic Libraries atKaduna, 2001; Information and Technologies and Information delivery byNigerian Research Institute Libraries in the 21st Century, Presented attheAnnual General Meeting ofthe Nigerian LibraryAssociationOgun State Chapter at Babcock University Illishan-Remo, 2001;
Crystal Magazine Merit Award inRecognition of Diligence andCommitment totheGrowth ofForestry inAfrica, 2008;
Quarters657, Behind Queens School, Apata, Ibadan
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