- Married
Pre-registration House Surgeon, Ashford Hospital, Middlesex, 1963-64; Pre-registration House Physicians, St. Alfege’s Hospital, Greenwich, London, 1964; Post-registration House Physicians, 1964-65; Essex Senior HOUSE Senior House Physician, St. Ann’s Hospital, 1965; London Senior House Physicians, St Ann’s Hospital, 1965-67; Registrar in Haematology and Internal Medicine, 1967; Lecturer II, Iand Consultant in Clinical Haematology, 1967-69; 1969-74; Senior Lecturerand Consultant in Clinical Haematology, University ofLagos Teaching Hospital, 1974-79; Head ofDept ofMedicine, UniversityofLagos &Lagos University Teaching Hospital, 1982-85; 1989-92; Prof. ofMedicine &Head ofHaematology Unit, Dept. ofMedicine and Honorary Consultant Physician&Clinical Haematologist to the Lagos Universiry Teaching Hospital, 1979-96; Medical dir. and Physician, Asaju Medical Clinic, Victoria Island’ Lagos, since 1996; President, ch., Sickle Cell Club, Lagos, 1984-07; Since 1994; Temporary Adviser, WHO Working Group on the Control of Haemoglobinopathies-Gcneva. 1985;Temporary Adviser withAnnual meeting oftheWHO Working Group on Hereditary Anaemias, Cagliary, Sardinia, 1989; Temporary Adviser onWHO Regional Committee onControl of Sickle Cell Diseasein Africa, 1991;WHO TemporaryAdviser at theWHO/ TIFmeetingonthe prevention andcontrolofHaemogblobinopathies Nicosia, Cyprus, 1993; Consultant to EdoState BetterLife Programme on Staffing andrunningofSickle CellAnaemiaCentre,BeninCity, 1992;
Federal MinistryofHealthCommitteeon Rationalization ofTeaching&Specialist Hospital, Lagos,1984;Federal MinistryofScience&TechnologyNational Committeeon Fagara Research& Development forSickle Cell Disorders, Lagos,1987;NationalCommittee on Non-communicableDisorders, Lagos, 1988;National Safety of Blood& Blood Transfusion PolicyCommittee, Lagos; mm: Cancer Society of Nigeria; Nigerian Medical Association; International SocietyofHaematology, FellowofRoyalCollegeofPhysicians of Edinburgh, FRCP, 1979; Fellow of American College of Physicians, FACP, 1980; Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of London, 1980; Foundation Fellowofthe West African College of Physicians, FWACP; Foundation Fellowofthe National Postgraduate Medical CollegeofNigeria in Internal Medicine and in Pathology; ch., WHO Informal Consultation Group onControl of SickleCellDisorders inAfrica, 1987;WHORegional Consultation on Anaemiain Pregnancy Brazzaville, Congo, 1989; WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Human Genetics, 2007;
OtunAreoflfe, 1986;Ajiroba of Awe, 1994;
Neonatal Thrombocytopenia following Skin Infection. WestAfrican Medical Journal, 1971;Co-author,Aetiologyof SplenomegalyamongAfricans inLagos,Nigeria, Tropical Geog. Med.,1971; Co-author, Observations ontheChemotherapy of Hookworm Infection. West African Medical Joumai, 1973;Co-author, Phrimethamine Poisoning, Brit. Med.J, 1973; Osteomyletis in SickleCell Disease inLagos,W.Afri.Med. J, 1973; Haemophilic Diseases inNigerians Editorial, Niger Med. J, 1974; Haematologic diagnosis of neuroblastoma in children, Niger Med. J, 1974; Anaemia and angina pectoris insickle cell trait Niger Med. J, 1976; Co-author, Hereditary Elliptocytosis with haemolytic crisis following Infection, Niger Med. J, 1978; The Pattern of Hodgkin’s Disease in Lagos Nigeria, Nig. Med. J,(in Press), etc; nh:OON, 2006;
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