HND, B.Agric, M.Sc;
has children
National Youth Service, M.A.N.R. Forestry Dept. Abudu, Edo State, 1988-89; Lecturer, Federal College ofForestry Research Institute ofNigeria, Ibadan, 2003;Administrative Officer, Federal CollegeofForestry, Ibadan, 1991-03; Lecturer 1,Administrative Officer, Federal CollegeofForestry, Mechanization,Afaka,Kaduna,2003-06; Acting Provost, Federal College ofForestry, 2006-07; ProvostsinceMay 2007;
Forestry Association of Nigeria; The Nigeria Filed Society; Agricultural Economics Society of Nigeria
Afforestation: Remedy for Ecology Problems,NewNigerian, January 13,1988; ConservingourWildlife, NewNigerian, March 7,1988;RenewingOurForest Reserves,NewNigerian, May23,1988;MassMobilization forNational Tree Planting, CradleNews, December 1-14,1989; co-author, Ethno-botanical StudiesonEtsako People inEdoState,Joumai ofTropical EthnoForestry, 2003;Population Dynamics ofHardwoods inaTropical Natural Forest ofSouth-West Nigeria, Joumai of Tropical Ethno Forestry,2003;TreeConservation PracticeamongDrySeason – Vegetable Farmers:ACaseStudy ofAbeokuta, Bowen Journal ofAgriculture, 2004;Industrial Utilization Alternatives forNigerian PlantationGrown GwIina arborea, 2004; EffectofChemical PretreatmentandCompostingonEffectiveness ofSawdust andLignite as SoilOrganic Amendment, Proceedings of26* Annual ConferenceofSoilScienceSocietyofNigeria, Ibadan,2000;Utilization of Forest PlantsforMalariaTreatmentin Ibadan,11*AnnualConference of theBotanical SocietyofNigeria Boson UNAAB,2002; Appraisal ofMedicinal Value Horticultural Plants inIbadan Metropolis Jubilee of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (Hortson) Ibadan, 2002;AnAnalysis ofSnail Marketing in Ibadan, OyoState, Nigeria, Proc. ofthe28,h Annual Conference ofNigeria Society of Animal Production, 2003;TheRoleofWood in Nigerian Socio-Economic Development Federal College ofForestry, Ibadan, 2002; Production to Consumption Studyofrattan species inOgun State, Nigeria, Forestry Research InstituteofNigeria, Ibadan, 2006;Agricultural mechanization and food security inNigeria,TheNeed forStrategic Policy Implementation, Nigeria Institution ofAgricultural Engineers, Kaduna, 2006, etc;
Secretary General, Student Union, Federal School (now Federal College) ofForestry, Ibadan;Award of Honour in Recognition ofhisContribution to Nigeria Youth and Student Tagged”Icon ofGood Leadership2006″ by National Association of Nigerian Students; NBTE Resource Person for Accreditation, Re-accreditation and Resource Inspection ofProgrammes;
farming, reading, self-motivation essays/books, autobiography and articles onenvironmental issues, visiting fames reserve, zoological and botanical gardens;
35a,AkuiStreet,He-Ife, OsunState.
“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor
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