B.A., M.A., D.Phill;
- Married
Atinuke Akinyemi, Tosin Akinyemi, Tolu Akinyemi, Benjamin Akinyemi
Founder/ Managing Consultant, Bolaji Akinyemi & Associates
Instructor, Politics of Developing Nations, North Eastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1965-66;
Visiting Professor, African Studies, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, USA, 1969-70;
Visiting Professor, Political Science, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, 1970;
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Ibadan, 1970-83;
Director General, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, Lagos, 1975-83;
Visiting Professor, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, 1977;
Visiting Professor, Diplomacy Training Programme, University of Nairobi, Kenya, 1977;
Regents’ Lecturer, University of Los Angeles, California, USA, 1979;
Professor, Political Science, University of Lagos, 1983-85;
Visiting Overseas Scholar, St. John’s College, Cambridge, England, 1984;
Election Observer, Human Rights Group, Zimbabwe, 1985;
Minister of External Affairs, Federal Republic of Nigeria 1985-87;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the United Nations Annual General Assembly Session, New York, 1985;
Deputy Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Commonwealth Summit, Bahamas,1985;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Organisation of African Unity, Council of Ministers Session, 1986;
Deputy Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Organisation of African Unity Heads of State and Government Summit, 1986;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Non – Aligned Foreign Ministers Conference, Harare, 1986;
Deputy Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Non – Aligned Summit, Harare, 1986;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly Annual Session, 1986;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa, 1986;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Budget Session of the Council of Ministers of the Organisation of African Unity, Addis Ababa, 1987;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of the Organisation of African Unity, Addis Ababa, 1987;
Deputy Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Annual Summit of the Organisation of African Unity, 1987;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly Annual Session, 1987;
Deputy Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of State and Governments, Vancouver, 1987;
Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the Extra – Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of the Organisation of African Unity devoted to African debt, Addis Ababa, 1987;
Fellow, International Relations, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1987;
Life Member, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, England;
Member, International Advisory Board, Centre for Strategic Studies. University of California, Los Angeles, USA;
Member, International Institute of Strategic Studies Committee on Regional Security Studies;
Member, Academic Advisory Board, Candido Mendes University, Brazil;
Member, United Nations Group of Experts on Disarmament and Development;
Member, UN Institute for Disarmament Panel on South Africa Nuclear Capability;
Member, UN Organising Committee for UN Conference on Disarmament; Development and Security in Africa;
Chairman, UN Group of Experts on the Middle East, 1988;
Africa’s Representative, Soviet-US Co-operation for Africa, 1988;
First Sole representative of National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) Abroad;
First Executive Secretary of NADECO Abroad;
Foreign spokesman for NADECO Abroad;
Member, Strategic Committee, NADECO Abroad;
Member, Presidential Electoral Reform Committee under the administration of President Umaru Yar’ Adua, Federal Republic of Nigeria (2007);
Chairman, National Think Tank, Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2007-;
Member, American Society of International Law, Member, Nigerian Society of International Affairs; Member, Nigerian Society of International Law; Member, Nigerian Political Science Association; Member, International Studies Association; Member, Nigerian Economic Society, Member, British Society of International Studies, Member, World Association of International Relations.
Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic (CFR)
1. (1974) Foreign Policy and Federalism: The Nigerian Experience, Ibadan University Press. 2nd edition by Macmillan Press, 1984.
2. (1978) Nigeria and the World: Readings in Nigerian Foreign Policy, Oxford University Press. Edited Volume.
3. (1978) The British Press and the Nigerian Civil War: The Godfather Complex, N.I.I.A. Occasional Papers No. 2, Oxford University Press.
4. (1978) Angola and Nigeria: A Study in National Interest, Collection “Conferences” No. 1, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva.
5. (1979) Foreign Policy and The Constitution, Monograph Series No. 4, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, Lagos.
6. (1979) Federalism 1976: Readings on the State of Federalism In the World, N.I.I.A. Edited Volume.
7. (1976) Contemporary Constraints on Peace Roles of the World, N.I.I.A. Reprint Series No. 2.
8. (1983) Readings on The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Macmillan Press. Edited Volume.
9. (1983) Disarmament and Development: Utilization of Resources for Military Purposes in Black Africa (Prepared for the United Nations Centre for Disarmament) N.I.I.A. Monograph Series, No. 9.
10.(1986) Economic Co-operation Between Nigeria & Eastern Europe, ed., 1986; Lagos: NIIA.
11.(2002) Essays on International Politics: Foreign and Domestic Affairs, Macmillan Press, Nigeria.
12.(2002) Bolaji Akinyemi Seagull: The Perception of Others, Lagos: Macmillan Nigeria Publishers Limited.
13.(2010) Igbinedion lecture.
14.(2010) Great People, Great Nation: A Reality or Aspiration, Convocation Lecture at the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies, NIPSS Press Ltd.
15.(2011) New Development in International Law and Diplomacy: One Step Forward, two steps backwards, the 2011 Judge Taslim Elias Lecture delivered at the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, September 27, 2011, NIAL Press.
16. Nigerian Exceptionalism: The Quest for World Leadership, by Bolaji Akinyemi (BestNaira.com)
1.(1970) Nigerian and the Island of Fernando Poo: The Politics of Irredentism, African Affairs, 69. 236-249.
2. (1971) The American Press and the Nigerian Civil War, The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 13, 241-259.
3. (1972) The British Press and the Nigerian Civil War, African Affairs, 71, 408-426.
4. (1972) The Adebo Wages and Salaries Review Commission: The Social Implications, Quarterly Journal of Administration, VI, 141-146.
5. (1974) The Organisation of African Unity and the Concept of Non-interference in International Affairs of Member States, British Year Book of International Law, 379-400.
6. (1975) The Organisation of African Unity: The Practice of Recognition of Governments, The Indian Journal of Political Science, XXXVI, No. 1, 63-79.
7. (1976) National Unity within the Context of External Relations: The Nigerian Experience, in David Smock and K. Bentse-Enchill, National Integration in Africa, Free Press (A Division of Macmillan Press), New York.
8. (1976) Ethnic Politics: A Non-Conformist View in A. O. Sanda, Ethnic Relations in Nigeria, Caxton Press, 135-145.
9. (1977) The Imperative Constraints of Superpower Conflicts on Africa, Nigerian Journal of International Affairs, 3, Nos. 1 & 2.
10. (1977) Race and Foreign Policy: The South African and Rhodesian Press and the Nigerian Civil War, Nigerian Journal of International Affairs, 4, Nos. 1 & 2.
11. (1978) Nigerian Foreign Policy 1975 in Oyediran, Annual Survey of Nigerian Affairs 1975, Oxford University Press.
12. (1978) Nigeria and Southern African: The Policy Options in Douglas Angling, Timothy Shaw and Carl G. Widstrand (eds.) Conflict and Change in Southern African: Papers from a Scandinavian Canadian Conference, Washington, University Press of America.
13. (1978) Federalism and Foreign Policy in Akinyemi, Cole and Ofonagoro, Federalism 1976, op. Cit.
14. (1978) The Organisation of African Unity: Perception of Neo-Colonialism, African Quarterly, XIV, 1 & 2, 32-51.
15. (1978) Nigeria and the Super-Powers: Equality not Uniformity of Relations, Centrepoint, (a quarterly journal of University of Ilorin) 1, No. 2.
16. (1978) The Legality of United States Threat to use Force to deal with OPEC Oil Price Increases, Nigerian Journal of International Affairs, 4, Nos. 1 & 2.
17. (1979) Mohammed/Obasanjo’s Foreign Policy in Oyediran (ed.) Nigerian Government and Politics under Military Rule, Macmillan, London.
18. (1980) The Indian, Israeli, Egyptian and Pakistan Press and the Nigerian Civil War: Religion and Foreign Policy, Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, 4, No. 3.
19. Nigeria’s Position in Africa and in the World, Osterreich ische Zeitschrift Fur Au Benpolitik 4/80, Reprinted in International Spectator (the Journal of the Dutch Institute of International Affairs).
20. (1980) The United Nations and the New International Economic Order: Legitimacy and Legality, Nigerian Journal of International Affairs (1979), 6, Nos. 1 & 2.
21. The Political Significance of Black Africa in Relation to Western Europe (in Dialogue Western Europe-Black Africa), edit. by Otto Molden (Munich: Verlag Fritz Molden).
22. (1980) African Perspectives on Disarmament (in The Sandefjord Report on Disarmament and Development) (Hegland A. S., Flekkefjord Norway).
23. (1982) African – Challenges and Responses: A Foreign Policy Perspective, Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Science, lll, No. 2.
24. (1983) A Farewell To Policy, N.I.I.A Lecture Series, No. 35.
25. The Emergence of Nigeria as a Regional Power, Studia Diplomatica, Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Brussels.
26. Nigeria and Overseas Africans: The Limit of National Interest in Nigeria’s African Policy, National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, Nigeria.
27. Balance and Credibility In Nigerian Foreign Policy, Gold Medal Lecture Series, 1986.
28. In Search of A New World Order, The 1991 Annual Lecture of the Nigerian Society of International Affairs.
29. (2005) In The Shadow Of Camelot: Reflections Of The Members Of The Class Of 1965. The Fletcher School Of Law And Diplomacy, Tufts University (Compiled And
Edited By Larry Strove) (The Black Rock Press: University Of Nevada, Reno, 2005).
30. (2011) “The Electoral Reform Committee and Revolutionary Recommendations”, Essays in honour of Hon. Justice M. L. Uwais, (Forthcoming).
– Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the O.A.U. Council of Ministers, Addis Ababa, 1976.
– Extra-Ordinary Summit of the O.A.U Assembly of Heads of State and Government. Addis Ababa, 1976.
– African-American Dialogue, Lesotho, 1976.
– O.A.U. Council of Ministers, Libreville, 1977.
– O.A.U. Summit, Libreville, 1977.
– United Nations General Assembly Annual Session represented Nigeria on the Special Political Committee.
– Nigerian-United States Dialogue, October 1978.
– Nigeria-Soviet Dialogue, December 1978.
– Nigerian-Chinese Dialogue, July 1979.
– Nigerian Scandinavian Dialogue, January 1980.
– Observer at the Transition Period in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Salisbury, February 1980.
– Nigerian-Brazilian Dialogue, July 1980.
– Dialogue on North-South Dialogue with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, January 1981.
– Nigeria-Chinese Dialogue, 1982.
Bolaji Akinyemi: There Has Been Penetration of Our Security Forces – Our Security Agencies – by Some Foreign Elements, https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2018/03/17/bolaji-akinyemi-there-has-been-penetration-of-our-security-forces-our-security-agencies-by-some-foreign-elements/
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