Lecturer, Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria, 1993-01; Visiting Lecturer, IPT-Stadtschlaining, Austria, 1998; Visiting Lecturer, institute of Geography, University of Salzburg, Austria, 1998; Institute ofPolitical Science, 2000; Visiting Prof IPT-Stadtschlaining,Austria, 2001; Visiting Lecturer, Institute ofGeography, University of Salzburg, Austria, 2002; Vice Director, (Academics), European University Centre for Peace Studies, Stadtschlaining, Austria, 2002-03; Senior Lecturer, University of Vienna, 2001-05; Senior Lecture, Dept. Political Science, University of Lagos, since 2005; Visiting Prof,Dept. of Political Science and International Affairs, Kennesaw State Universiry(KSU), Georgia, USA, 2008;
Board ofStudies, Postgraduate School, Unilag, 2006-07; Managing Editor, Unilag Joumai ofPolitics, Departmental Journal, Dept. of Political Science, Unilag, since 2007; ch., Departmental Curriculum Revision Committee, University of Lagos, since 2007; General Sec, National Union of Nigerian Students Austria, 1982-84; President NUNS,Austria, 1985-87;Vice President Society for International Development SID, Austria Chapter, 1992-94; Consultant and Adviser to the Austrian Federal Asylum Senate (on African Refugee Issues in Austria), 2000-05;
Reconceptualizing Political Integration in West Africa in: Herbert Langtholer(ed): SurazaAfrika, 1999; Human Rights and Intervention in Africa, 2003; Globalization and Multinational Enterprises, 2007; Exterminating the Scourge of Authontarianism in Africa, In Akinboye’s 6. (Ed.) Perpectives in Africa Crises: The Challenge of Socio-Political Transformation in the 21″ Century, 2006; etc;
7, Elatu Odibo Street,’ Abule-Oja, Yaba, Lagos
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