- Married
has five children
Medical Radiographer, National Health Service, Glasgow, 1957-58; Medical Radiographer, Federal Ministry of Health, Lagos, Igbobi and Enugu, 1958- 61; Medical Radiographer/Tutor, Federal Ministry ofHealth, Federal School of Radiography, Lagos, 1961-62; Medical Radiographer and Tutor, The Middlesex Hospital School of Radiography,London, 1964-65; Principal, Federal School of Radiography, Federal MinistryofHealth. Lagos.1965-87; retired from the Civil Service. 1987; cc: University of Nigeria, Nsukka; University of Calabar, Development of Federal School ofRadiography, Yaba, 1970-80;mem. Ministerial Committee. Improvement of Medical Careand Training, 1989-92; ch: Radiographer Registration Board, Federal Ministry of Health, Lagos, since, 1989;
Technical Consultative Committee, National Council of Health, 1980-90;world v-prcsd. Society ofRadiographer,1978- 89; presd. International Society of Radiographers, UK, 1989-94;ch. Board of International Society of Radiographers, UK, since 1994; f: College of Radiographers, Nigeria:
College of Radiographers, London; British Institute of Radiography, British Institute of Radiographers, h: Gold Medal Award, College of Radiographers, London, 1995.
reading, lawn tennis, travelling, watching football,cricket music
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