- Married
Ekwere , Eno , Bassey, Ime
Senior Reference Asst., London Borough of Have ring, Central England, 1968-70: Deputy Branch Librarian, Gides Park Library, London, 1970-73; Presentect’ Women’s Programmes on Eastern Nigeria Broadcasting Service (ENBS) 1972 – 73; Principal Librarian/Asst Librarian-in-charge of Technical Services, Uni v. of Calabar, 1973-77: Processing Librarian, 1981-89: Librarian-in-charge. Univ. of Cross River State Library, 1989-91: Head, Research Division, Univ. of Calabar Library, 1991-92; University Librarian, Univ. of Uvo Akwa Ibom State. I 992-present;
Mem ., The Library Asscn., Britain; Mem. The Royal In stitute of Intemational Affairs, [967; Nigerian Library Asscn. (National Secretary, Cataloguing Section, 1976-77); American Society ofinformation Science (Chairperson, Case Western Reserve Univ. Student Chapter 1978-79); International Board on Books for Young People (Regional Coordinator for five States), 1977;
Author and co-ordinator of several books; presented several papers; indexed several publications: and contributed chapters in several books: Civic Activities: C hair-p<:.tson, Implementation Committee on Women Education, Cross River State, 1986-87, Akwa Ibom State, 1987; Patron, Usung Urua Eket Women Welfare Asscn, I 989-present; Founding Mem ., Nka Uforo Iban, Akwa !bom State; Pres ., Nigerian Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs; Vice Pres ., Zone "A", Federation of Akwa rbom State Women Assens (FAIWA), 1993; Honours: Federal Govt Bursary for the Associateship of tlie Library Asscn Course, 1965-67; Good Student Recognition Award, The LibrOlY Journal, USA, 1967; Elected Mem. of Beta Phi Mu, International Library Science Honour Society, [978; Merit Award, Akwa Ibom State Commission for Women, [994, Listed in Who 's Who in Nigeria;
Dress Designing, Art Promotion, Women and Children Issues.
Lectured Post Graduate Students, Faculty of Arts, Univ of Uyo , 1982-84, 1991, 1994- present; Attended Several Workshops and Seminars; Coordinator, Course on the Use of Libraries, 1981-89; University Library Representative on Graduate School Board, 1984-89; Chairman, Committee on the Computerization of Library Processes, Univ. of Calabar, 1984-89: Chairnlan, Committee on the Syllabus for Sandwich Cour se for Dip. in Librariansltip, 1986- 89; Coordinator. Departmental Seminar, 1986-89, Editor, Tropical Libraries published by the Nigerian Librar}’ Asscn (NLA), CRS; Chairman, Nigerian Library Asscn, CRS Branch, 1984 -8 6, Secretary. CRS Ad hoc Committee on the Reorganisation of the State Library Board, 1985 ; Mem, NLA National Ad Hoc Committee on the Quality and Quantity of Library’ Science Graduates in Nigeria, 1987-88; Editor, Proceedings of NLA Cataloguing Div. Seminar Papers;
“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor
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