ALHASSAN, Alh Muazu Lamido

MP SARKIN GABAS, MINISTER OF ANIMAL AND FOREST RESOURCES 3okotoMalamHassan who reignedin Sokoto between 1931 and 1938. MalamMuy started his education in the Elementary SchoolSokoto in 1935. Tenyears later in 1945he had finishedbothfrom there andfrom the Sokoto MiddleSchool. Withoutwastingtime, be startedacareerin Sohtto asaScribein the CentralOffice in 1945. He was theretill 1949 when he wasmade Cotton Supervisor. In 1950,youngMua^u becamePrivate Secretary to Sultan of Sokoto where he had the opportunity to serve hisfathers successor. He was in thisposition till 1954. The sameyear, Malam Muatm lamido attendeda3-month British CouncilCourse in the UnitedKingdom. On his return, he became Secretary to both the Sultan andSokotoNy{. Council. Onthepoliticalfront, MalamMuayLamidomadehismark asthe VicePresidentof therulingNPCintheSokoto Division. He was also amember in the House of Representatives and the RegionalHouse of Assembly in 1956. The climax of hispoliticalcareerwas in 1960 when hejoinedothers in theNorthern RegionalCabinetasMinisterofAnimal andForestResources. He heldthisposition tillthe coup of 1966. Laterin lifeAlhajiMua^u Lamido Sarkin Gabas of Sokoto wasto become the DistriaHeadof TalataMafara between 1969and 1977andChairman, Boardof Direaors of theNorthern FoodProdurt Company Umitedin 1970 andChairman, Advisory CommitteeforLivestock Investigations andBreedmgCentres, North WesternState, 1'971. Laterstill, he becamethe Chairman, Sokoto-RimaBasin Development Authorityfrom 1973 to 1979; Chairman, Sokoto State CivilService Commission 1988 to 1994; Chairman Sokoto Urban DevelopmentAuthority, 1994 to 1995; Chairman, Sokoto State Land Use andAllocation Committee,'1994 to date; Chairman, NationalLivestock Production Company 1980 to 1983.
Gender: Male
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Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Politician
Working Experience
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