YAHAYA, Alh Muhammad Imam

CHAIRMAN - NUB INTERNATIONAL BANK LIMITED He was bom on the 4th of May, 1945 in Bida, NigerState. AfterhisPrimay School, be attendedSeconday SchoolBida 1958 1963, Government Colkge, Keffi, 1964-1965, Ahmadu Belk University, Zaria 1966 -1969, ArthurDUttk in Cambridge, USA 1970-1971,AdministrativeStaff Colkge, Henky, UK1976. He was appointed Clerk, CentralBank of Nigeria 1965-1'966;Area Saks Manager, Mobil Oil (Nigeria) Ud. 1969- 1970; Marketing Officer/Industrial Manager Nigeria Uvestock and Meat Authority, 1970-1972. In the Northern Nigeria Investment Umited, he was Assistant Investment Executive 1972- 1975, Investment Manager, 1975-1977, General Manager 1977-1979, Managing Direaor 1979 -1982. From there, he became General Manager (Northern Operations) UTCNigeriaUd, 1982 -1984. Itwasfrom there thatAlhajiMuhmmadYahayastartedavey rewardingexecutive careerin banking. HewasDireaor, First Bank of Nigeria. 1984 -1990, Managing Direaor /CEO, Savannah Bank of Nigeria Pk 1990 -1993, Managing Direaor /CEO Union Bank of Nigeria Pk 1993 -1999 Chairman, UBN Merchant Bank Ud. 1995-1999. Chairman SmartcardNigeriaPk. Chairman Union TrusteesUmited 1994 -1999, Chairman. UnionHomesSavingsand UansUd, Chairman ConsolidatedDiscountUmited 1995-1999;PresidentNigerianEmployers ConsultativeAssembly (Banking Group) 1998 -1999. r s j The versatik banker ako has hisfingers in many otherfinancial and commercialpies. He is aDireaor, in thefollowing companies: FinetexUd 1992 -Date, Horison Fibres Ud. 1994 - Date, Northtex Nigeria Ud 1987- Date, Battey Manufacturers Ud. 1982 Date, Union Commercial Insurance Brokers 1999-Date, Banque InternationalDUBenin. 2000 date, FinancialInstitutions Training Centre, 1986 1988, New Devco Finance ServicesUd 1984 -1988, Niger State Development Company 1980 -1983, Federal Super-phosphate Fertiliser Co. Ud 1984 -1986, Kaduna Textiks Ud. 1976-1981, Norspin Nigeria Ud. 1976 -1980, Funtua TextiksUd1978-1981, E.M.INigeria Ud., Arewa TextilesUd Kaduna, 1975 -1981, United Nigeria Textiks Ud, UNTL, Kaduna 1977 -1981, Ashaka Cement/ Philip Morris (Nigeria Ud. 1975 - 1981, Nigerian Securities & Exchange Commission 1976 -1993, Guinea Insurance CompanyUd1976 -1983, Bank of the North Ud. 1977 -1981, UnitedBankforAfrica Pk. 1975-1980. TodayAlhaji MuhammadYahaya an Officerof the Orderof the Federal Republicis the Executive Chaimian of theNUB International Bank Ud.
Gender: Male
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Mother's Name
Profession Industrialist
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