MONGUNO, Alhaji Muhammed

PERMANENT SECRETARY NORTHERN STATES MINISTRY FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT HewasbomtnMungunointheold Borno Province in 1926. He attended Elementary Schools in Munguno andPotiskumfrom 1932to 1938 beforegoingto BomoMiddleSchoolbetween 1938and1943. Healso attendedthe Clerical Training College Zariafrom 1948 to 1949 and throughpersonal efforts and determination, he took the CharteredSecretaries Course. Again, between 1957 and 1958, Alhaji Mohammed Monguno did aPostgraduate courseinPublicAdministration atthe Oxford UniversityLondon. HestartedworkingasAssistantAccountantintheBomoNATreasuryfrom 1943 to 1948andtransferred togovernmentservice aslnstruaor, ClericalTrainingCollege Zaria in 1949, becomingthe School'sBursarwhen itwas upgraded In 1956, he became one of thefrrst six indigenous Assistant Distria Officers (ADOs) appointed on promotionandpostedtoKatsinaProvince.Between1958and1959,hewasinKanoasADOandAstistantSemtary in the Premier's Officefrom 1959 to 1960 when he waspromotedSeniorAssistant Secretary. In 1961, be became RecruitmentSecretaryin thePublicService Comission andin 1962 Secretaryto theNorthern Region'sAgentGeneral inLondon. He wasto artastheAgentGeneralbetweenJanuary andMarch of 1963. When he returnedhome inJune 1963, itwas to take up ProvincialAdministration. HeservedasProvincial SecretarymBenue, Sokoto andZariafrom 1963 to 1967. Aftertheftrst andsecondcoups of 1966, andthe creation of States in 1967, the needaroseforwelltrained ^dcompetentofficersforthemonumentaltaskaheadAlhajiMohammedMongunowithbiswealthofexperiencewas one of such officers andhe waspromotedPermanentSecretary in-charge of the Ministry for Local Government for the six Northern States created He served in that capacity from 1967 to 1968 when the rise in his official stature was confirmed 'as bewasnamed'theSecretaryof' theNorthEastern Stateof'Nigeria.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Civil Servant
Working Experience
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