UMARU, Alh Shankali




CHAIRMAN INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR WEST AFRICA Hewas bom in KauraNamoda ofthe oldSokotoprovince on the 19*'Januay, 1937. Heattended ShinkafiEkmentay Schoolfrom 1946 to 1949, Sokoto Middk School 1950 to 1952, Barewa Colkge Zaria 1952to 1958, Police Colkge Ikeja 1959, University ofUgos, 1968to 1973and the NigerianUwSchoolUgos in1973. Aftergraduatingfrompolice colkge in 1959, Umaru Shinkaft was assignedgeneralpolice dutiesandinvestigation to criminal casesfrom 1962to 1974 when he was deplyedto the administrative unit of theforce. Itwasfrom here that he was appointed to theposition of the Federal Commissionerfor InternalAffairs in 1975 till 1978 when he returned to normalforce duties as CommissionerofPolice in charge of Oyo state. Hewas there till1979 when because of his experience anddiligence he was appointedDireaor Generalof the Nigerian Security Organisation NSO. After the December 1983 ICoup, he was relieved of his duties and retired in 1984 only to be appointed Chairman, Panel on Reorganisation of the NSOin1985. Outside security matters, Alhaji Shinkafi has akoproved bis mettk especially inpolitics andfinance. Hewas one of the founders oftheAllPeopks Party in 1998 and was the Vice Presidential Candidate of the Alliance of theparty with the AD in 1999. Earlier, he was apresidentialcontender undertheNational'Republican Convention in 1992 andtheAll Nigeria Congress in 1995/96. Today, he is the Chairman of many business andfinancial concerns including the InternationalBankforWestAfrica since 1986.A recipientofthe Police medalin 1976, the Commanderof the Orderofthe Nigerin 1979, Alhaji Umaru Shinkafi isako the Marafan Sokoto.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Police Officer , Administrator
Working Experience
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