AMADASU, Dr. Henry Igbinokpogie Johnson




Igbinokpogie Johnson
B.Sc, M.Sc, MPS, Ph.D.; university lecturer, administrator, b: September 12,1942; p: Benin City, ht: Oredo; Iga: Oredo; so: Edo; m: Roseline, 1968; has children; ed: Ogbe Baptist and St Angela's Catholic Schools, 1949-54; Methodist Boys High School, Lagos and Loyola College, Ibadan, 1956-60; Bronx Community College, City University of New York, 1970-73; New York Institute of Technology, 1973-75; Columbia University, New York, 1975-76; Long Island University, GreenvaleN.Y, 1976-77; University ofBenin, Benin City, 1985- 87; cr: Clerical Officer (Senior Tax Clerk), lyekovia, South West Iga. Iguobazuwa, Edo State, 1%1-63; Clerical Officer, Ministry ofFinance, Benin City, 1963-68; asst dir. Part-time Programming, New York Institute of Technology, New York, 1973-74; asst. dir. Clinical Services, Health and Hospital Corporations ofNew York, HarlemTeaching and Specialist Hospital, 1975-77; Hospital Secretary and Administrator, Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Benin City, Edo State, 1977-78; Commissioned into the Nigeria Air Force and promoted Senior Officer II, Hospital Administration, Nigeria Air Force Medical Services Group, Ikeja, Lagos, 1978-81; Lecturer, UniversityofBenin, since 1981; Lecturer II, Institute ofPublic Administration and Extension Services, UniversityofBenin, Benin City, EdoState, 1981-85; LecturerI. Instituteof PublicAdministrationand Extension Services(1PAES), University ofBenin, Benin City, Edo State, 1985-90; snr. Lecturer,IPAES, 1991;aprof. Universityof Benin;dir. IPAES,Universityof Benin,currently; mm: University of Benin Academic Programmes and Planning Committee; University Research and Publication Committee; University Deansand DirectorsCommittee; UniversitySenate,since 1992; SenateCommitteeson Appointmentsand Promotions, ElectionsofAcademic Staff to University Boards; Congregational Representative, University of BeninBoard ofHealth Services;Editorial Board,Institute ofHealth ServicesAdministratorsofNigeria Journal, Universityoflbadan, Oyo State; Panel on National Health Policy; Examination Council on HealthAdministration and Management Courses Accreditation; sec Nigerian AirforceAppointmentand Promotion Board, 1979-80;NationalConstituentAssembly,Abuja,representingOredoFederal Constituency, Edo State, 1988-89; ch. Institute Students Disciplinary Committee: Committeeon Feasibility Studyon Health Management Education Joumai; v-ch. Sub-committee of Assembly Committee 22 on Transition Provision, 1988; Participant/facilitator, WHO Training of Trainers on Experiential Learning, Sapele,July 1984; Institute ofHealth Education, London; Royal Society of Health, London; Institute of Health Service Administrators of Nigeria; American College of Hospital Administrators; presd.Association ofMid-western Nigerian StudentsinAmerica, 1972-74; International Society for Individual Liberty: publ: ManagingTheHuman Resources in Healthcare Delivery Systemfor Hospital Administrators. Harrington Press, 1998;Environment ofHealth CareServicesin Nigeria: Harrington Press,2000; Spirituality: TlteWoman in WhiteGarment;hob: reading, tabletennis,swimming, listeningto music, off: Instituteof Public Administration and Extension Services, University ofBenin, P.M.B. 1154, Ekenwan Campus, BeninCity,EdoState; res:3.CaseyAvenue,off Central Road,NewGRA, Oko, BeninCity:e-m: [email protected].
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession University Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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