AMADI, George Orisakwe S.




Orisakwe S.
State of Origin: Imo Contact Address: Faculty of Law, University of Nigeria Enugu Campus Email Address: [email protected] Amadi George O. S. is a renowned law teacher ofenviable height whose indelible imprints on his students over the years have been impressive. Ile took the decision quite early in life to be a source of delivery of knowledge to others and hasbeen committed to this mission till now. Education George has a brilliant academic life in the secondary grammar school which he completed in 1971 with Grade I in the West African School Certificate Examinations. He proceeded immediately on completion to Hope Waddell Training Institute Calabar for his Higher School Certificate and finished in 1973. He graduated LLB (Hons) from the University ofNigeria Enugu Campus in 1978. On completing his professional law training at the Nigerian Law School, he was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1979. Two years later, he obtained a Masters Degree in Law at the University of London in 1981 and a brilliant doctorate degree from the University of Nigeria in 1994. Publications While these were going on, George was busy writing and producing solid academic and professional law papers and books. These include: • A legal Guide to Trade Unions 1979 • Police Powers in Nigeria 2000 • Jurisprudence of Trade Unions status 2002 • Far from Freedom 2004 in addition to these solid text books, George had a number ofarticles in learned and reputable Law journals, lie also authored Akobundu In Igbo National Thought in 2004 which cuts across law and philosophy and traditions ofthe Igbo people world wide. In this wonderful spotlight on the igbo. Dr. Amadi posited the fact that Igbo Culture is interwoven with Igbo Traditional religion. This religion, in other words, is asubset ofIgbo mega ulture and it is in this religion and cultural milieu that the Igbo life and thought are embedded and given direction. This will go a long way to show he youth and every right thinking person that the Igbo are deeply religious and humane. Administrative Positions Held Dr Amadi has indeed entrenched his name in the history ofeminent personalities in Igboland as a forthright Igbo silent but consistent and positive .chievcr. He has served as Head of Department ofCommercial and Property Law Enugu Campus and at present, the Dean of Faculty of Law at the >ame University. From 1994-1999, George serves selllessly as the Chairman ofAcademic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU/UNN). a position he i sed to enhance the working condition ofthe university teaching and administrative staffas well as the life of students whom he saw as the centre oint of academic service. .wards, Honours and Accolades bGeorge's credit, in his humble and unassuming nature, he has earned a lot ofaccolades which he has tried to keep secret but we need to make them Inovvn to people in order to encourageyoung people see the benefits of hard work. • George won the prize for the BestStudent in Lawof Conveyance as well as the price in Lawof Criminal Procedure as the best student. • He won the prize for the 1979 BarExamination ofthe Nigerian Law School as the Best Student. He is still working hard and earning more prizes. Hembership of Learned Societies/Cultural Organization • Member. Nigerian Bar Association • Member, Nigerian Association of Law Teachers. • Member, Ubomiri Social Club. I e isanactiveChristian in addition to all these and believes strongly in the Lordas the providerof all these gifts and blessings. Heis Catholicby faith ; id regards Jesus Christ as his role model. Le hasadvisedIgboyouths to: "embrace humility, honesty andindustry inall theiractivities andtoavoidinordinate pursuit ofmaterialism, but tofollow the path ofknowledge andspirituality in their existential struggle ". To Igbo leadership. Dr Amadi pleads that they: "should avoidbeinghypocrites. but rather pursue selfless and truthful leadership, serve as role modelto theIgboyouths, a role modelbasedon humility, honesty and industry", fle i> married with children.
Gender: Male
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Mother's Name
Profession University Lecturer
Working Experience
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