AMAO-KEHINDE, Dr.Atinuke Olubimtan




B.Ed, M.Ed. Ph.D; educationist, lecturer,administrator; b: July 14, 1956; p: Ondo; ht: Ondo; Iga: Ondo North;so: Ondo; m:AdemolaOluwayemisi Amao-Kchinde,May8,1982; nc: one s, two d; ed: Public School, Yaba,Ondo, 1969; Mary Immaculate Secondary School,Ekiti,AdoEkiti, 1973;FederalSchoolofScience, Lagos, 1976;University oflbadan, 1981; 1998;UniversityofLagos, Akoka,1985; cr: NYSC,MinistryofEducation, InspectorateDivision,Abeokuta,Ogun State, 1981-82; Education Officer, VIII, Federal College ofEducation, Technical,Akoka, 1982; Education Officer, VII, 1984; Education Officer, VI, 1990; Lecturer II, 1991; Lecturer 1,1991; Senior Lecturer, 1994; Principal Lecturer, 1997; Chief Lecturer, Federal College ofEducation, Technical, Akoka, 1999, Head of Unit, Educational Psychology, 1994-97; Head, . Departmentof Educational Psychologyand Curriculum Studies, 1997-99; Dean, School ofEducation, 1999-03; Dean, Students Affairs, 2005-07; Coordinator, Technical Teachers Training Programme, 1999-03; Visiting ChiefLecturer,Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Lagos, 2004-05; mm: Acadcmic.Board, FederalCollegeof Education,Technical, Akoka,since 1997; College Consultancy Board, since 1999; Admission Board, since 1997; Appointment and Promotion Board, since 1999; Examiners Board, since 1999;Student DisciplinaryCommittee,since 2005; CollegeSecurity, since 2005; Snr. Staff Disciplinary Committee, 1999-03; Junior Staff Disciplinary Committee,since 2005; Worksand ServiceCommittee,since 2005; MedicalManagementCommittee, since 2005,Adhoc Committeeon TaskForceto Flush out IllegalStudent, fromCollege Hostels,2002;Adhoc Committee on Reviewof Promotion, Conversionand Upgrading, 2002;Staff School Board, Ogun State, 1999-2003; Graduation Ceremony, Merit Long Service and Productivity, 1998; ch: LocalOrganizing Committee,Schoolof EducationAnnualConference,2006; Panelto Investigate ShortageofWaterin the College,2006; Decoration/Procession Committee CollegeConvocation, 2006;AdhocCommitteeon RumorMongeringand Leakage ofOfficial Secrets, 2005; Staff Bus Financial Committee Matter, 2000; Ad hoc Committee on Review of College Hand Book. 2002-2003; College Staff School Board, 1999-03; Examination Malpractice Ad hoc Committee, 1999-01; Representative, College of Education Academic Staff Union, Academic Assessment Committee, 1999-2001;Auditor, College ofEducationAcademic Staff Union, 1999-2001. Manager,Akoka Study Centre, NationalTeacher Institute,Kaduna,since 2005; ch: BoardofGovernorsShepherd HillBaptist GirlsHighSchool,Obanikoro,Lagos,since 2003; ManAccreditationPanels for National Commission for Colleges ofEducation, since 1999; Zonal Coordinator, Federal Teachers' Scheme Universal Basic Education Commission, Lagos zone, 2007; Facilitator, National Population Census, 2007; ExternalModerator,TeachingPracticeScripts,MichaelOtedolaCollege of Primary Education, Noforija,Epe,2006;Supervisor, JointAdmissionsand Matriculation Board, 1996^2003; Vice President Orbit Education Foundation, 2007;PresidentWomen inCollege ofEducation (WICE) FCEfT), Akoka Chapter, 1999-2001, National President, 2002-04; mm: Counseling AssociationofNigeria; NigerianAssociationof Educationistsfor National Development; Affiliate, CharteredInstitute of Personal Management; Nigeria LeaguefortheCareof Personswith MentalDisability, award: Certificate of Award as Mentor, NationalAssociation of SecretariatStudents,2005;Caring MotherAward,FemaleStudents,FCEfT), Akoka;Honouras SpecialMother, Women Missionary Union, NewHeritage Baptist Church, Shomolu, Lagos, 2000;Awardfor WorthyContribution Towards the Growth ofSt. Bernadette Nurseryand Primary School,Akoka,Lagos,2002; MeritAward forImmense Contributionto the ProgressofAssociationofStudent Counselor,University oflbadan, 2002; LongServiceAward,in Recognition of twentyfouryearsof MeritoriousSeriousService, FederalCollegeof Education,TechnicalAkoka, Lagos, 2006; Publ:The Relationship betweenSelfConceptand Personal Social Adjustment of MaleandFemaleAdolescents,Journal of Research in Curriculum, 1993; Fostering Creative Thinking in Nigeria Adolescents and Youths, Nigeria Journalof Educational Research, 1996;Correlates of Self Concept among Secondary School Adolescents, Journal of Foundation Education,1994;FosterGoodClassroom Climateinthe Socialization ofthe Nigerian Child,Journalof Primary Science,1996;Adolescents Psychology and Problem Implicationsoflndividualdifference forTeaching-Learning, PSSPCTrumpet 1997;TheEffect ofCommunication andConflict Resolution Skills, StrategiesonAdjustment ofsomeSelected andCouples,TheCounselor, 1999; Educationand Nigeria Girls Child for the 21" Century,Journal of Women inColleges ofEducation,2001;CultActivitiesandCampusViolence: Implication,for Psychological Counseling,EducationToday,2003; Future ofNigeriaEducation System: Signposts forRestructuring inJoumai Research andTheory in Education, 2006;off:Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka, Lagos; e-m: [email protected]; res: Block A, Flat 4, FCE(T)Akoka, Lagos;tel: 08033605446.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
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