AMMAN, Abdullahi




BA, MA, political scientist, born June 8, 1947, Zuru, Sokoto State; married Maryam Waziri 1976, two daughters; Education: NativeAuthority Pri mary School, Zuru, 1956-61, Provincial Sec ondarySchool, (nowGovernment College), Bida. 1962-66, 1967-68, Abdullahi Bayero College, Ahmadu Bello University, Kano, 1969-70, Institute of Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1971-73, Ohio University, Athens, USA, 1979-80; Ca reer: Appointed Administrative Officer, de funct North Western State, 1974; Chairman, Anka Area Development Board, 1974- 75; Chairman, Gummi Area Development Board, June- September, 1975; Chairman, Kaura Namoda Area Development Board, Septem ber- December, 1975; Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Environ ment, defunct North Western State, Decem ber, 1975; secretary, Bagudo Local Govern ment Area, 1975-76; Principal Assistant Sec retary, Ministries of Education and later Lo cal Government area, 1976-78; Registrar, Collegeof Education,Sokoto; Secretary. Ka duna Polytechnic, 1986-87;appointed Com missioner for Works and Transport, and later posted to Ministry of Health, Sokoto State, 1987-88; resigned voluntarily as Commis sioner for Health, 1988; former member, American Management Association; Hob bies: squash, reading, horse- riding, swim ming; Home: 9, Sama Road, Gwiwa, Sokoto, Sokoto State; Telephone: 060-233117.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Political scientist
Working Experience
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