AMUTA, Prof.(Mrs.) Elizabeth Une

Mrs Prof.



B.Sc, M.Sc. Ph.D; chartered biologist, lecturer, administrator, b; November2, 1955: p: Otukpo; ht: Orokam; Iga: Ogbadibo; so: Benue; m: April 15,1978; nc:twos,threed;ed: Anglican Primary Schools, SokotoandKaduna, 1962-67; Government Girls Secondary, Kawo,Kaduna, 1968-72; Methodist GirlsHigh School,Yaba, Lagos, 1973-74; Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria, 1974-77; Universityof Jos. 1980-81; 1989-93: Chanette SystemServices,2001;cr: Microbiology Tutor(NYSC), SchoolofHealth Technology. Ijebu-OdeOgunState, 1977/ 78;Tutor, School ofHealthTechnology, Akure,OndoState,1977-79; Research Officer(ll/l),Dept. of Entomology, Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research, Kaduna, 1979-84; Lecturer II,DeptofScienceLaboratoryTechnology, College ofApplied Science andTechnology, Kaduna Polytechnic, 1984-85; Demonstrator. Undergraduate Practical Biology, Dept. ofZoology, University ofJos, 1980-81; Part time Lecturer, Dept of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Jos, Makurdi Campus, 1986-87; Lecturer I/Chief Lecturer, Dept. ofScience LaboratoryTechnology, BenueState Polytechnic Ugbokolo, 1985-94; Snr. Lecturer, Dept. of Biological Sciences, University ofAgriculture, Makurdi, 1998-01; Assoc.Prof, ofParasitology, Dept of Biological Sciences, 2001 -04; Prof., since2004; Deputy Vice,since2007; Seminar Coordinator, School ofScience and Laboratory Technology, Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo, 1993-94; Snr. Lecturer, Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, 1998-01; Assoc. Prof, or Parasitology, 2001-04; Prof, of Parasitology, since2004;DeputyViceChancellor, sinee2007; Head of Dept, Biological Sciences, University ofAgriculture, Makurdi, 19%- 2000; Ag. Dean (adhoc), College of Science, Agricultural and Science Education, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, 1998-2000; Seminar Coordinator, School ofScience and LaboratoryTechnology, Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo, 1993-94; Departmental Examination Officer, 1986- 89; 1993-94; Ag. Head (adhoc), 1987-94; Head, Microbiology Unit Benue State Polytechnic, 1986-89; Seminar/Project Coordinator for Undergraduate Studies, Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, J995-96;-2004; mm: Chartered Biologist, Institute of Biology, London, 1994; Nigerian Society for Parasitology and Public Health, since 1991; Seiche Association ofNigeria, since 1994; National Association ofWomen Academics, since2000;American SocietyofMicrobiology, since2004;Exofficio, Orokan Evangelical Christian Association, National ExecutiveCouncil, since 2007; CommunityConsultant Appraisal ofUBEGrant Implementation (School and Community Beneficiary Assessment) in Okpokwu, Local Government Area,2005;ReturningOfficer,Independent National Electoral Commission, 1999; Governorship andStateHouse ofAssembly Elections for Kwande-East Constituency, 1999; publ: Co-author, Intestinal Helminths of Urban Pigs inMakurdi withNotes on Public Health Implications, Joumai of Pest Disease andVector Management, 2006;Co-author, Bacteriological and Parasitological Evidence of SoilContamination from Livestock Farming in Makurdi, BenueState;Nigerian Journal ofParasitology, 2007:Co-author, Community Induced Microbiological Pollution ofthe Benue Riverwithin Makurdi Metropolis, Annualsof Research in Nigerian, 2007; publ: Co author, Prevalence ofVaginal CandidiasisamongWomen ofChild-Bearing AgeinMakurdi. 32nJ Annual Conference ofNigeriaSociety for Parasitology andPublic Health, 2008;AssessmentofNutritional StatusofSchoolChildren in BenueState, International Conference on Science, University ofAbuja, Abuja, 2008; co-author. Prevalence of Rhipicephalus Sanguineus andBabesia CanisInfectionsin Dogswith respectto BreedType and DegreeofFreedom in Makurdi, Benue State, 3^ Annual General Conference. Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2006; Community Based Treatment ofOnchocerciasis (River Blindness) with Mectizan at the occasion ofthe Onchocerciasis Advocacy Workshoporganized by Epidemiology Dept.ol'State MinistryofHealth for Chairman ofLGAs, Media Executives and Medical Practitioners in Benue State at BenueState Hotels,Makurdi, 1998;c-c: HigherNationalDiplomain Science Laboratory Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, 1983/84;h: Academic ExcellencebyOkoh Youth Club, Orokam, OgbadiboLGA, 1996; Woman ofMeritAward-GoldAward by People, State and Resource,Abuja, 2005;GospelServiceAwardby Christian Honourand AwardInternational, Makurdi, 2005; ah: Federal Government Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies, ABU, Zaria, 1974-77;sc: Vice President Opiatola Kanyi Idoma, Makurdi Branch, 1995-99;mem, FullGospel Business Men's Fellowship International, 1991 -98; hob: reading,cooking, traveling;off: DeputyVice Chancellor's Office, University ofAgriculture, Makurdi, Benue State; tel: 0802-037-9132; res: 7. Victor Kpojime Street offVictor Malu Street New GRA, Makurdi: c-m: [email protected].
Gender: Female
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
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Mother's Status N/A
Profession Chartered biologist , Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
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