ANDY, Prof Joseph J.



Joseph J.

MB, BS, phy sician, university teacher, born August 8, 1942, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State; married Emeng Ikon 1970, one son, one daughter; Education: Offot Jubilee School, Uyo, 1943-55, Hope Waddell Training Institute, Calabar, 1963-68, Howard University Hos pital, Washington, D.C, USA, 1970-74; Ca reer: Appointed Assistant Professor of Medicine, Howard University, USA, 1974- 76; Lecturer, University of Ife (nowObafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife, 1976-77; Se nior Lecturer, 1977-82; appointed Professor of Medicine, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 1982-84; Vice-Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo Univer sity, 1983-84; Professor and Head, Depart ment of Medicine, University of Calabar, since 1984; Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sci ences, College of Medical Sciences, Univer sity of Calabar, 1984-87; Diplomate, Ameri can Board of Internal Medicine, 1973; asso ciate member, International College of Car diology, 1977;fellow, WestAfrican College of Physicians, 1984; Vice-President, Nige rian Cardiac Society, 1986: member of Ex ecutive Committee, West African College of Physicians (Nigerian Chapter), 1987; Pub lication: Over 30 scientific articles on car diac diseases in learned journals: Hobbies: reading,cultural anthropology; Official Ad dress: Departmentof Medicine, College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar; Publications: Towards ASociology of African Literature, Zim Books, 1986; The Theory of African Literature, Zed Books, 1988; Hobbies: music, reading. Home: House 7, Permanent Site, University of Jos, Plateau State.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Medical practitioner , Lecturer
Working Experience
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