ANENE, Dr Afamdi




B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; university teacher, administrator; b: January 31,1960; p:Oguta; so: Imo; cd: St. Joseph's College, Sasse-Buea, Republic ofCameroon, 1971-76; University ofJos, 1978-82; Universityof Ibadan, 1985-86; University ofPort Harcourt, 1990-96; cr:NYSC, Ministry ofAgriculture Fisheries Division, Cross River State 1982-83; School Teacher, MinistryofEducation, Imo State 1983-85; Farm Manager, (Fisheries)(A.O.C.) Fish Farms Ltd., Owerri, 1987-88; Asst. Lecturer, Agriculture and Fisheries ManagementAbia State University, Uturu, 1988-90; Lecturer II, 1990-96; Lecturer1,1996-99; Senior Lecturer, since 1999; Field Asst. to Consultancy] Research and Development (CORDEC). University ofPortHarcourt, 1992; 1993; 1994; Consultants Ltd., Port Harcourt, 1996-97; Consultant to Dept ofEnvironmental Qualityand Control, Safety and Environment, NigeriaAgip OilCompany, Port Harcourt, 2000-01; Consultant toTilone Environmental Consultants Nigeria Ltd;, 2003-04; publ: co-author, Observation ofthe EftectsofCrudeand fractionated pituitaryofOreochromis niloticusonovulation ofClarias gariepinis, Nigeria Joumai ofBiotechnology, 1993; Some aspects ofthebiology ofLabeo Scnegalensis Curvier and Valenciennes 1817, in Umuoseriche Lake Nigeria, DeltaAgriculturist 19%;SurveyoftheAbundance ofand Diversity ofFish Umuoseriche Lake inthe Niger Delta Floodplains of Nigeria, Journal ofInnovations inLife Sciences, 1998; Morphometric and meristic description ofTilapia mariae (Boulenger 1901) and Tilapia Zilli (Gervais 1848)from Umuoseriche Lake in the Freshwater Reaches ofthe Niger Delta, Acta Hydrobiol, 1999; Stomach Contents of Non-cichlid Fishes in Small Lake in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, Journal ofInnovations in Life Sciences, 2000; Dietary PreferenceofTwoCichlid Fishes ofa Man-made Lake inImo State, Southeastern Nigeria, Journal ofInnovations inLife Sciences, 2001; Physico-chemical features inamodel homestead fishpond in Umudike, Nigeria, Journal ofSustainableAgriculture and Environment, 2002; Egg production of Chromidotilapia guntheri ina small man-made lake inOguta, Imo State, Joumai ofSustainableTropical Agricultural Research, 2004: Fish andLivestock Production, Perspectives in Food Production in Nigeria, 2002; etc; off: FacultyofAgriculture. Abia State University, Umuahia Campus, Abia State; tel: 234-803-710-7726; e-m: afamaene3 [email protected].
Gender: Male
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Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
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