ANGER, Dr. Barnabas Aondohembafan




B.Sc, M.A, Ph.D; political scientist lecturer; b:January 2,1968; p:Naka; ht:Naka; Iga: Gwer-West; so: Benue; m: Martha Korinya, 1996; nc: two s, one d; ed: St. Theresa's Primary School, Naka, 1971 -76;Ml. St.Michael'sAliade, 1976-81; School ofBasic Studies, Makurdi, BenueState, 1983-84; BenueState Polytechnic, Ugbokolo, 1984-86; UniversityofJos, 1987-90; 1991-94; March, 1998; enCoaching Asst., NYSC, Jos, Plateau State, 1991; Asst. Lecturer, Dept. of Political Science, Benue State University, Makurdi, 1995; Lecturer II, Dept ofPolitical Science Bcnuc State University, Makurdi, 1999; Lecturer 1,2000; Deputy Dean, Faculty ofSocial Sciences. Benue State University, Makurdi; Sec. committee toRevisit Report ofCurriculum Review Committee: mm: Faculty of Social Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi; Departmental Postgraduate Board, DeptofPolitical Science BenueState University, Makurdi; FacultyActivity Programmes Committee, Faculty ofSocial Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi;ASUU-BSU CommitteeonaStakeholders Forum on Funding for Benue State University; mm: Nigerian Political Science Association; Social ScienceGroup; Overseas FriendshipandTourismCouncil; American Biographical Institute Research Board ofAdvisors; Academic Staff Union of Universities; Editorial AdvisorNAPPS, Joumaiof Politics and International Relations; Editorial Consultant Journal of Globalization and International Studies; ch., Faculty of Social Committee ob Sports; Staff Welfare Dept. of Political Science;TwinCommitteeontheReview ofCourses offered by the Dept. ofPolitical Science; Trustee, Lords and Helen Helps Foundation; UFM Ambassador, Urban Frontier Mission, Jos;award: National Association ofPolitical Science Award asthe Best and Eloquent Lecturer of Students, 2008; American Biographical Institutes"Man pfthe Year"2004; • International Professional oftheYear, International Biographical Centres, 2005; publ: Basic Principles ofInternational Law, Oracle Publication, 2002; Nigerian Nationalism, Oracle Publishers,2004; Personnel ManagementOracle Publication, 2004; Categories of Persons Entitled to Privileges and Immunities, Oracle Publication, 2003; Exam Malpractice&CampusCultism: Implements toNational Development; Aboki Publishers, 2006; Smoke Screen (Novel), Oracle Publishers, 2004; Quiet Storm) Oracle Publishers, 2006; Dirty Old Town (novel) Oracle Publishers, 2006;ADark Afternoon, (Novel), Oracle Publishers, 2006;Towards a Viable Democratic System ofGovernance in Nigeria, Journal ofEconomic&Social Research, 2002; Ethical Problems inNigeria's Democratic Experiment:ACritical Analysis, African Journal of Economy ofSociety, 2002; The Electoral process asaCatalyst tosustainable Democracy, NUBESS Journal ofContemporary Issues, 2006; sc: Makurdi Club; Railway Club; Benue State University Tennis Club; Benue State University Senior StaffClub; hob: lawn tennis, table tennis, reading, swimming; off: Dept ofPolitical Science. Benue State University, Makurdi, P.M.B. 102119. Makurdi; tel: 044-531162; res: Opposite Railway Road, Old GRA, Makurdi; tel: 08036084474; 08057201591: pha: #50lorkyarAko Street High Level, Makurdi; tel:07090567343.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Political scientist , Lecturer
Working Experience
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“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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