ANJANDE, Gbatsoron




B.Sc, M.Sc; economist, lecturer, b:June 9,1960; p: Mbagen; ht:Gboko; Iga: Buruku; so: Benue; m:Mrs. Salam, December20, 1997; nc: two s, one d; ed: NKST Primary School, Agbonor, 1970-75; BristowSecondary School, Gboko, 1975-80; School of Basic Studies, Makurdi, 1981 -83;KinshinevStateUniversity, Moldova,1984-85; OdessaInstitute of National Economy, Odessa, Ukraine, 1985-89; University ofNigeria, Nsukka, since2004; cr: Lecturer, Kano StateCollege of Arts&Science, 1994-98; Lecturer, Benue StateUniversity, Makurdi, since 1995; Ag. Head, Dept. of Economics, Benue State University, since 2005; Asst. Consultant JIL Consultant Services, Kano,1991-92; Director ofStudies,Northern Institute ofManagement and Technology, 1992-93; mm: Senate Committee on Examinations Regulations andIrregularities, 1998-2000; Committeeon the UseofGovcrnment Welfare Package toAcademic Staff, 1999; Faculty Standing Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, BenueStateUniversity, Makurdi, 1999-05; Central Admission Committee, since 2001; Administrative Committeeto Investigate CaseofFraud in the Bursary, 2008;Committeeon Sources of Funds for theUniversity, 2006;mm: Institute ofChartered Economist ofNigeria; ah:Merit Award, Northern Institute ofManagement&Technology, Kano, 1994; publ: Africa's External Debt Crises: Journal ofEconomic and Social Research,2003; Co Author, The Cultural FactorsofEconomicGrowth and Development in Nigeria, MakurdiJournalofArts and Culture,2002;co author.The EfficiencyofDebtConversion asaTool for Debt Management in Nigeria, Joumai of Economics and Management Studies, 2003; Public • Expenditure Management inBenue State, Benue Valley, 2005; Health Sector Financing and Expenditure in Benue State, 2001; hob: reading, sports especially football; off: Dept of Economics, BenueStateUniversity, Makurdi; tel:08030591764; e-m: [email protected].
Gender: Male
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Mother's Name
Profession Economist , Lecturer
Working Experience
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