ANJORIN, Dr. Humulkhair Oyindamola




B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D, agriculturist, administra tor, born June 11,1942, Lagos; married A.O. Anjorin 1969,twosons,twodaughters;Edu cation: Ahmadiyya Girls' High School, La gos, 1956-61, Federal School of Science, Lagos, 1962-64, University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife, 1964- 68, Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands, 1973-76, Royal Institute of Public Administration, London, 1978, Uni versity of Ibadan (Part-time) 1979-86, Ca reer: Appointed Pupil Research Officer, Federal Department of Agricultural Re search, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, 1968-69; appointed Pupil Agricultural Research Of ficer and later senior Agricultural Research Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lagos State, 1969-75; Principal research Officer and Head, Research and Training Division, Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1975-78; Chief Lecturer and Head, Department of Crop Production and Horticulture, Lagos State Polytechnic (formerly Lagos State Col lege of Science and Technology), 1978-82; Chief Lecturer and Director, School of Ag riculture, Lagos State Polytechnic, 1982-84; acting Rector Lagos State Polytechnic, No vember 1984 - October 1, 1985; appointed Rector, Lagos State Polytechnic, 1985; Board Member, Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA), since 1987; member, Governing Council, Lagos State Polytechnic; Chairman, Committee of Direc tors, Lagos State Polytechnic; member, Council of Heads of Technological Institu tions of Nigeria; Chairman, Staff and Stu dents Affairs Committee; member, Nigerian Association for Agricultural Education; member, Agricultural Society of Nigeria; member, Horticultural Society of Nigeria; member, International Association of Re search on Plantain and Bananas; member, Ilupeju Lioness Club; Hobbies: gardening, dancing; Home: 31, Bankole Crescent, PO Box 3457, Ikeja, Lagos State.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Agriculturist , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update

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