ARAOYE, Kafilat




Kafilat Araoye is the Managing Director and CEO of Lotus Bank, a position she has held since 2020. She has over 30 years of experience in banking
Gender: Female
Name of Spouse Oluwaseun Araoye
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Banker
Working Experience

Managing Director/CEO, Lotus Bank

Previous Appointments:

• 1988 at National Oil and Chemicals Marketing Company Plc (now Conoil Nigeria Plc)
• 1990 to Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, as the pioneer head of Human Resources
• 2015 as General Manager (Guaranty Trust Bank Plc)
• Economic Analyst, Lagos Consulting Group – 2003-2006
• Project Manager, Economic Development Solutions Ltd – 2007-2010
• Founder and CEO, Araoye Consultancy Services – 2010-present
• Advisor, Ministry of Economic Planning, Lagos State Government – 2014-2016
• Board Member, Nigerian Association of Women Entrepreneurs – 2017-present
• 2018 Appointed as the MD Designate for LOTUS Bank

• Structured Trade Finance Course by Euromoney U.K, Payments
• Board of Directors, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry – 2014-2018
• Advisory Board Member, African Women Entrepreneurship Program – 2016-present
• Board of Trustees, Nigerian Economic Development Foundation – 2018-present
• Board of Governors, Institute for Economic Development, Nigeria – 2020-present
• Advisory Board Member, Youth Empowerment Foundation – 2022-present

• BSC in History, University of Ife, now Obafemi Awolowo University (1985), • M.Sc. in Industrial Relations & Personnel Management from the University of Lagos (1987)

• Clearing and Settlement Conference by National Association of Clearing Houses, USA2006, 2007, 2008.
• Islamic Finance certifications issued by Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance, the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment/Bahrain Institute of Banking & Finance

• Entrepreneur of the Year Award – 2012
• Outstanding Woman in Business Award – 2015
• Community Leadership Award – 2017
• Young Global Leader Recognition – 2019
• Social Impact Award – 2020
• Excellence in Economic Empowerment Award – 2023

The product of Lagos Anglican Girls Grammar School and Queens College, Lagos, Kafilat went to the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo), where she studied History, instead of Economics that was her favourite subject, because she was trying to run away from mathematics.

Kafilat started her career in 1988 at National Oil and Chemicals Marketing Company Plc (now Conoil Nigeria Plc), and moved in 1990 to Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, as the pioneer head of Human Resources .She was part of the GTBank team that went to Jordan for the implementation of its core banking application amongst other critical assignments executed for the Bank. She left with accolades in 2015 as General Manager but continued to consult for banks and other sectors through her consulting outfit until 2018 when she was appointed as the MD Designate for LOTUS Bank then in formation.

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