AWONUSI,Prof.Victor Olusegun




B.A (Hons), Ph.D; university lecturer, administrator; b: March 12,1952; p: Ilusin; so:Ogun;Iga: Ogun; m: nc: three s, two d; ed: St. Mathias's School Ilusin, IjebuWaterside, 1958-63; Ilusin Grammar School, Ilusin, 1964-69; University oflfe, Ondo Campus, 1971-73; University oflbadan, 1974-76; University ofLagos, 1977-79; University College, London, UK,1981/82-8/8S; Cityof London Polytechnic, UK, 1984-85; cr: Teacher, L.A. Primary School, Iwopin, 1970; Tutor, AdeolaOdutola College, Ijebu-Ode 1973-77; Tutor, AbusiOdumareAcademy, ljebu-lgbo, 1976-77; Graduate asst UniversityofLagos, 1979-80; 1980-81; asst Lecturer, UniversityofLagos, 1981-85;Lecturer II,1985-86; Lecturer 1, 1986-89; snr.Lecturer, 1990-99; prof. English Language/Linguistics, since 2000; comm. Education, Science &Technology, Ogun State, since 2008; Consultant/Resource Person, Centre for Democratic Studies, 1989-91; Treasurer, Academic StaffUnion University ofLagos Branch, 1987-92; Consultant/Resource Person, Taysol Education Consultants, since 1995; Sub-Dean, UniversityofLagos School of Postgraduate Studies, 1997-99;Co ordinator, University ofLagos, Diploma Programmes, 1999-2002; e-c: University ofGhane Legon, Accra; University ofIlorin; University oflbadan; University ofBenin; ch: University ofLagos, Radio Management Committee, since 2002; mm:Nigeria English Studies Association, since 1972; Board of Governors, Ilusin Grammar School, 1980-83; Commonwealth Association of Literature and Language Studies(West AfricanChapter), since 1985; University of Lagos Junior Staff Appointments Committee, 1986-88; Senate University ofLagos, since 1986; University of Lagos Admin/Tech. Appointments Committee, 1988-91; University ofLagosHousing Committee, 1987-92; sec Nigeria English Studies Association, 1987-92;Treasurer, Academic Staff Union (University ofLagos Branch) 1987-92; Consultant/Resource Person, Centre for Democratic Studies, 1989-91; University ofLagos Community Bank Task Force, 1991; UniversityofLagos Public AffairsCommittee 1991- 92; International Association for World Englishes, since 1992; Ogun State Local Government Service Commission, 1992-94; sec Nigerian Network on English Language, since 1995; Consultant/Resource Person,TaysoI Education Consultants, since 1995; University ofLagos, School ofPostgraduate Studies, 1997-99;American Studies Association ofNigeria, since 1998; Universityof Lagos, Sports Council, 1998-99; University ofLagos,Central Research Committee, 1998-2000; Linguistic Association ofNigeria; International Association ofApplied Linguistics, since 2001; University ofLagos Diploma Programmes, 1999-2002; UniversityofLagos Radio Management Committee, since 2002; University ofLagos Orator, 1999-2001; Nigerian Institute for Trainingand Development2003; ah: Ijebu Division Scholarship for Secondary School, 1966-69; Federal Government of Nigeria Scholarship, 1974-76; University ofLagos Scholarship, 1979-80; Visiting snr. Research Fellow, f: Daad, Universiteat Duisburg, Germany, 1993; tt:Otunbe publ: Coping with English Pronunciation:ATextfor Schools, CollegesandUniversities, Lagos, Obaroh&Ogbiaka Publishers, 1999; co-author: "Teaching English Language through Literature:APanaceaforSurface DiagraphiaorSurface Dyslexia" inLawal, F.O (Ed.) Readings inLiterature andOther Discipline, Lagos. JAS Publishers. 54-63, 2001; "Writing a Research Proposal: Arts/The Humanities"In Olowokudejo. J. D. andOsisanya-Olumuyrwa, D.O. (Eds), Research Proposal Writing, JAS Publishers/University of Lagos, Central Research Committee, Lagos, 49-52; He hasalsopublishedover30articles, monographsetcinNational andInternationalJournals inEnglish Studies, Linguistics. Sociolinguisticsetc; sc: presd: Ijebu Waterside Club, Octagon Club, University of Lagos; StaffClub, University of Lagos; pp: Social Democratic Party, Alliance for Democracy; hob: swimming, reading; off: Ministry ofEducation, Science&Technology, State Secretariat Oke-Mosan, P.M.B. 2060, Sapon, Abeokuta; tel: 039-241605,241806; pha: I, Oloja Street Ilusin, Ijebu Waterside; tel: 08023133088; e-m: [email protected].
Gender: Male
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  • Single
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Father's Status N/A
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Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer , Administrator
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