AWORH, Prof. Ogugua Charles




FNIFST, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; lecturer, administrator, b: May20,1951; p: Lagos; ht: Asaba; Iga: Oshimili South; so: Delta; m: OluwatolaAdejare,May 17,1980; nc: two d, one s; cd: St. JamesSchool,Oke-Bole Ibadan, 1957-63;Ibadan GrammarSchool, Ibadan, 1964-64; Universityoflbadan, 1969-73; Cornell University, Ithaca, New York,USA, 1974-78; cr: Sub-Dean (Postgraduate), Faculty ofTechnoIogy, Universityoflbadan, 1983-84; C1DA/NSERC Research Fellow, Dept. of Food Science, Universityof BritishColumbia,Vancouver, Canada, 1985; 1987-88;RoyalSociety and Nuffield FoundationResearchFellow, Procter Dept ofFood Science,UniversityofLeeds,UK, 1986; Head, Dept.ofFood Technology,University oflbadan, 1989-91; 1993-96;2004-07;Alexander VonHumboldt Research Fellow/Visiting Prof, Dept. of Biotechnology/Institute ofTechnical Biocatelysis,Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany, 1991-92; 1996-08; Prof, of Food Technology, Dept. of Food Technology, University oflbadan, 1988; Consultant in Sustainable Community Development Shell Petroleum DevelopmentCompany ofNigeria Ltd,Warri, Nigeria, 1999-2000; ch.,Senate Curriculum Committee, University oflbadan, 1997-99; 2001-02; Master,Sultan BelloHall, Universityoflbadan, 2002-05; University Public Orator, Universityoflbadan, 1997,2006; Editorin- ChiefNigeria Food Joumai, 1986-89; ch., General Studies Programme, University of Ibadan, 2004; Committee for the Administration of the Multidisciplinary Central Research Laboratory (Supported by MacArthur Foundation), Universityoflbadan; Body of Fellows,Nigerian Institute of FoodScience and Technology; Senate Cumculum Committee, 1997-99; 2001-02; GeneralStudies Programme, 2004; mm: MarketingTask Force, International Union ofFood Science&Technology,ah: Universityoflbadan, Postgraduate Scholarship Award, 1974; Universityoflbadan ViceChancellor's Nomination fbrtlte Inter-African Postgraduate Scholarship Award, 1974; Nigerian Federal Government Postgraduate Scholarship Award,1974; British Council/ National UniversitiesCommissionStaff DevelopmentScholarship Award, 1983; BritishCouncil/National UniversitiesCommissionStaff Development Scholarship Award,1983; Universityoflbadan Undergraduate Scholarship Award, 1972;Mayand Baker Prize forthe Best GraduatingStudent in the Dept.ofAnimalScience,UniversityofIbadan, 1973;BritishCouncil/National Universities Commission StaffDevelopment ScholarshipAward, 1983; publ: Co-author, Nitrate and Nitrite Levels in Fresh Spinach as Influenced by Postgraduate Temperatures, Journals ofthe AmericanSociety forHorticultural Science, 1978; EffectsofChemical TreatmentsandControlled Atmospheres onPostgraduate Nitrate-Nitrite Conversion inSpinach, Joumai of Food Science, 1980; QualityAttributesof Frozen Okra as Influenced by Processing and Storage, Journal ofFood Technology,1980;Predicting Qualityof Cassava Productswith the aidofchemicalandTheological properties, Journal ofFood Technology, 1981;Effects ofPost-harvestHandlingon QualityAttributesof Tomatoesin the Nigerian MarketingSystem, FoodChemistry, 1983; Effects ofTal Pro-long, aSurfaceCoatingagent,on the Shelf liteandqualityattributed of plantain, Journal ofthe Science of Food and Agriculture, 1984;Food Irradiation in Nigeria,Problemsand Prospects,Nigerian FoodTechnology, UniversityofIbadan, Nigeria; sc:ch., Ibadan Grammar School OldStudents Association, Ibadan Branch; hob: lawntennis, traveling,reading; off: Dept. of Food Technology, University oflbadan, Nigeria; tel:08033509860; c-m: [email protected], [email protected].; pha: 18, Umudaike Street, Asaba, Delta State;.
Gender: Male
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  • Single
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Father's Status N/A
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Mother's Status N/A
Profession Lecturer , Administrator
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