BAKARI, Dr. Adamu Girei



Adamu Girei

MBBS, FWACP;medical doctor, university teacher,administrator; b: March26,1966; p: Girei; so:Adamawa;married; nc: seven; cd: Girei I Primary School. 1978; Government Secondary School, Numan, 1983; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1984; 1989; West African Postgraduate Medical College, 2001; cr: House Officer, Specialist Hospital, Yola, 1989-90; Medical Officer, Olugbobiri Health Centre, NYSC, Rivers State, 1990-91; Senior House Officer, Dept., of Medicine,Ahmadu Bello UniversityTeaching Hospital, Zaria, 1991-92; Registrar, Dept. ofMedicine, ABUTH,Zaria, 1992-94;Senior Registrar II, Dept. of Medicine,ABUTH, Zarie 1994-96; SeniorRegistrar I,Dept.ofMedicine,1996-98; SeniorMedical Officer, Lautoka Hospital, Fiji-Islands, 1998-01; Senior Registrar I, Dept. of Medicine, ABUTH, Zaria, 2001-02; Lecturer I & Consultant Physician, Dept. ofMedicine, 2002-05; Senior Lecturer &Consultant Physician, Dept. ofMedicine,since2005;Asst.Dean,Postgraduate Studies,Faculty ofMedicine; Residency Training Coordinator, ABU Teaching Hospital; Coordinator, Postgraduate Activities, Dept. of Medicine; Medical Advisor, Diabetes Association ofNigeria, Kaduna State, since 1994; mm: FacultyofMedicine Postgraduate Committee, 2002-04; Biotechnology Research Committee, since 2004; Representative, Faculty ofMedicine, University Postgraduate School Board,since 2004; Diabetes Working Group, National Expert Committee on non communicable diseases in Nigeria, since 2003; Board mem,American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Nigeria Chapter, since 2007; Financial Sec, Associationof'Resident DoctorsofNigeria,ABUTHBranch, 1992-94; Treasurer, National Associationof Resident Doctors ofNigeria (NARD), 1995-96; Editorial Adviser,AnnalsofNigerian Medicine, since 2005; ee:University ofMaiduguri, 2007;mm: Nigeria Medical Association (NMA); Nigerian SocietyofEndocrinology andMetabolism (NSEM);Pan African Diabetes StudyGroup (PADSG); Diabetes Association ofNigeria (DAN); Nigerian Hypertension Society (NHS); Islamic Medical Association oW^eria(IMAN);AssoctationofPhysiciansofNigerie(ASPON);Association of Good Clinical Practice in Nigeria (AGCPN); American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE); f:WestAfricanCollege of Physicians; award: Rivers State Governor's NYSC Honors Award, 1991 for the Best Corp mem in the 1990/91 Service YeariniRivers State; Mr. President's NYSCNational HonorsAward forthe 1990/91Service Year,Cited in"Medicine on Earth"(Amedeo's Who is Who in Medicine), 2006; publ: Co-author, Prevalence ofDiabetesMellitusin SuburbanNorthernNigeria; Resultofa Public Screening Surrey. Diabetes International, 1999;CO-author.TheOedema Syndrome inaNigerian Diabetic Patient. Diabetes International, 1999; COauthor, Rarity of Myasthenia gravicinnorthern Nigeria, Annals of African Medicine,2002;Co-author, Diabetes MellitusComplicating B-thalassemia, a casereport. Annals of African medicine, 2003; Co-author, Obesity, Overweight and Underweight inSub-urban Northern Nigeria, International JoumaiofDiabetesandMetabolism, 2007;Co-author,The Metabolic Sydrone intype-2 diabetic Nigerian patients. Diabetes International, 2006; Co-author, Genital Tuberculosis Presenting asPyrexia ofUndetermined Origin.African Health Sciences,2007;CO-author, The EfficacyandSafetyofrosiglitazone withConcurrent Sulphonul-Urea therapy amongtype-2 diabetics inNorthern NigerieNigerian Endocrine Practice 2007; CO-author, Serum Uric Acid Levels inHypertensive and Non-hypertensive Diabetic Nigerians; International Journal ofPhysical Sciences, 2007; etc; hob:reading, photography, traveling, exchangeofideas; off:Ahmadu Bello UniversityTeaching Hospital, Zaria; tel:+234-803-701-8639; e-m: [email protected]..
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Medical practitioner , University lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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