BAMIDURO, Prof. Timothy Adebayo



Timothy Adebayo

BA,MSc,M.Phil, PhD;statistician, lecturer, administrator; b: April 24, 1941; p: Oyan; so: Ogun State; cd: University oflbadan, 1962-66; 1981-86; University of Reading, England, 1970-71; 1971-73; cr: Statistician, Demographic Division, Lagos. 1966-68; Biometrician, Federal Dept. ofAgricultural Research. Moor Plantation, Ibadan. 1968-75; Lecturer, University oflbadan,1975-88; SeniorLecturer, 1988-01; Prof., 2001; Sabbatical Senior Lecturer, University ofAgriculture, Abeokuta, 1990-91;AssociateSenior, Lecturer,UNAAB. 1991-95; Associate Lecturer. College of Medicine, Universityoflbadan, since 1998; Senior Lecturer, UNAAB, 2002-03; Prof, Lagos State University, since 2006; Ilead: Department of Statistics &Records Division, Federal Dept. of Agricultural Research, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, 1973-75; Dept. ofMathematical Science. University ofAgriculture, Abeokuta, 1990; Dept. of Statistics, Universityoflbadan, 1991 -94; 1999-01; Director, Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA). Universityoflbadan, 1991-94; 1999-01; Consultant: Development Research Bureau. Ibadan, since 1990; WHO. 1990; II'I'A, Ibadan, 1994-01; UNDP/ FOS, Lagos. 1997; UNICEF/FOS, 2003-04; 2007; National Bureau of Statistics/ADP, 2008; EPSO Health Consultants. Ilindenburgnng Germany. Abuja. 2007; ChjefExaminer, Quantitative Techniques, Chartered Institute of Bankers ofNigeria. Lagos; Examiner, Quantitative Analysis, Institute of CharteredAccountantsofNigeria; ce: Dept.oI'Mathcmaticsand Statistics, University of Benin.1998-99; Dept.of Mathematics &Statistics. Federal University ofTechnoIogy. Yola, since 2007; Dept.of Statistics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 2009; visiting Lecturer, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Development Studies, Navrongo CampusNavrongo. Ghana. 2005; etc. mm: Nigerian Statistical Association. NSA; American Statistical Association; Science Association ofNigeria; International Biomctric Society, IBS; publ: The Effects of Plant Population Density and Pattern f Plant Arrangement on Cowpca (Vigna Unguiculata) using Parallel row systematic spacing design, Niger Agric, 1971;On Design of Intercropping Surveys, Journals Nig. Stat. Assoc. 19S63.18-33; On Land Equivalent ratio Indices of Crop Reciprocity, Niger Journal ol'Agron., 1989 Vol. 4-No.3; Modeling Trends&Inequalities in NigeriaSchoolEnrolments. In ProcessingofAnnual Conference of'Nig. Statistical Assoc, Minna, Niger Stale. 1998 pp 70-77; Analysis ofVariance Estimate ofSerialCorrelation in Bi-directional Stationary Services, 2000; Journal ofScience Research Vol.7(19); Report on Protecton Harmonization of Data on Situation ofNigeria Children & Women. FOS/ UNICEF, 2004; Also has several other articles in learned Journals; off: Dept. of Statistics, P.O.Box 12795, University oflbadan. Post Office, Ibadan; res: 2, l^amidi Kongi Layout.ofl'Loni Sogbctun Street. Ashi-Ncw Bodija, Ibadan; tel: 2348052634698; e-m: [email protected].
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Statistician , University Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
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