BAMIKOLE, Dr. Musibau Adungbe




B.Sc,M.Sc,Ph.D;university teacher, administrator; b: July 5. 1968; p: Ikire; so: Osun. married; cd: Fatima College, Ikire, 1984;Oyo State College of Arts and Science, llc-II'c, 1986; University oflbadan. Ibadan, 1992; 1995-1999; cr: Teacher, Federal Government GirlsCollege, Zaria(NYSC), 1992-93;TeachingAsst., Dept. of Animal Science, Universityoflbadan, 1995-99; Lecturer II,~Dept. ofAnimal Science. UniversityofBenin, Benin City, 1999-01;Lecturer I,Senior Lecturer, since 2004; FacultyAdmission Officer/Faculty Representative intheUniversity Admission Board, 2004-06; Undergraduate Project Coordinator, Dept. of Animal Science, University of Benin,since 1999;Departmental Examination Officer, since 2001; ch.. Faculty ofAgriculture Committee on format for results presentation totheFaculty Board,2006;Committee fortheDevelopment of Memorandumof Understanding (MOU) with Ojcmai Farms, BeninCity, since2006;Sec, Committeeto re-namethe FacultyofAgricultureand review all the Faculty Programmes, UNIBEN, 2007; cc: PhD Thesis, Universityof Ibadan, Dept. of Animal Science, 2006; 2007; mm: Faculty ofAgriculture Representative inthcUniversity Library and Routine Publication Committee, 2005-07; ASUU University of Benin Ethics Committee, since 2006; International GoatAssociation (IGA);NigerianSocietyforAnimal Production (NSAP); West African Society for Animal Production (WASAP); Animal Science Association ofNigeria (ASAN); Agricultural Society ofNigerian (ASN); Minister forSpecial Duties. Balewa (Postgraduate) Hall, University oflbadan. 1997-98; Asst. Scribe. "The House", a socio-philanthropic organization ofpostgraduate male students. University oflbadan, 1997-98; Graphic Editor, Agro-Press, Universityoflbadan, 1991-92; The Production Manager, Green Magazine, Nigerian Association of Agricultural Science Students, Faculty of Agric & Forestry, UI, 1990-91; publ: co-author. Performance of Rabbits on Guinea Grass and Verano Stylo Hays in the dry seasonand effect of concentrate supplementation.Anim. FeedSci.Technology (Published in the Netherlands). 1999; co-author. Effect of Magnesium Supplement on Performance Characteristics ofIdictating WestAfrican Dwarf Goats, Trop. Anim. Prod. Invest, (published in Nigeria), 1999; co-author, Alternative Feed Resources for Formulating Concentrate Diets ofRabbits. Unthreshcdgain amaranth sccdheads. WorldRabbit,Sci.(publishedin France). 2000; co-author.Growth, Nutritive Valueand Dry Matter Degradabilityof ThreeTephrosia Species. Nig. J. Anim. Prod, (publishedinNigeria), 2002; etc; h: Recipient, Conference ofall Muslim Organization Award for PhD Programme, University oflbadan; ReceivedaLetterofCommendation from the Dean, on behalfofthe Faculty ofAgric Board ofStudies, University of BeninastheFacultyAdmissionOfflcer,2004-06;etc; hob: artwork such as designing ofgreeting cards, graphics lettering and spraying, reading; off: Dept ofAnimal Science, Faculty ofAgric, University ofBenin, BeninCity, Edo State; tel:+234 803:394.5093, +234 805 684 7935; e-m: [email protected]. [email protected].
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
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