BLANKSON, Ampim Darku Jim




Darku Jim
BA. M.Sc, diplomat, born June 6,1936, Bakana near Port-Harcourt, Rivers State; married Helecott V. Braide, two sons, one daughter; Education: Government School, Mamfe, Cameroun, 1942-44, Baptist School. Port Harcourt, 1945-46, St Michael's School. Ka duna, 1947-49, St John's College (now Rimi College), Kaduna, 1950-54, University Col lege (now University of Ibadan), Ibadan, 1957-60, Graduate School of Journalism, ColumbiaUniversity, New York,USA, 1962- 63, New School for Social Research, New York, USA, 1962-63, New School for So cial Research, New York, USA, 1968-69; Career: Appointed Tutor, St John'sCollege, Kaduna, 1955-57; PublicityOfficer, Federal Ministry of Information, Lagos. 1960-61; Public Relations Officer for Nigerian Con tingent, UN Peace-keeping Forces, the Congo, 1961; Public Relations Officer for 1st National Development Plan (1962-68), Federal Ministry of Information, Lagos, 1963; seconded to Ministry of External Af fairs and posted to serve as Vice Consul(in formationand culture), Consulate-General of Nigeria,NewYork, USA;Press Officer,Per manent Mission of Nigeria to the UN, New York; Editor, Federal Nigeria (a monthly news and features magazine) and Adviser, Nigerian Delegation to the UN General As sembly, 1964-66; Founding Features Editor, FederalFeatures Service, Lagos, 1966; Po litical Affairs Officer, Section for African Questions, Political andSecurity Council Af fairs Department, UNSecretariat, NewYork; Deputy Secretary and later Secretary, Sub- Committee on Information, UN Committee Against Apartheid, UN Secretariat, New York, USA, 1967-72; Counsellor, Africat>epartment, laterHead of OAU and Southern 374 Newswatch WHO'S WHO Africa Desks, Ministry of External Affairs, Lagos; Member, Nigerian Delegation to all OAU Summits, Council or Ministers Ses sions, OAU Liberation Committee and De fence Commission meetings, 1972-76; Ni gerian Delegate, Anti-ApartheidConference, Oslo, 1973; member and Secretary to the Ni gerian Delegation to the UN General Assem bly, 1973-74; Minister and Counsellor and Head of Chancery and later, Minister, Em bassy of Nigeria, Madrid, Spain, 1976-78; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten tiary and Deputy Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the UN and alternative Repre sentative to the UN Security Council, 1978- 79; Chairman, UN Security Council Com mittee on Sanctions against Southern Rho desia, 1979; Representative to the UN Anti- Apartheid Committee for Namibia; Repre sentative on the Committee for the Review of the UN Charter and the strengthening of the UNO; Delegate, UN Charter Review Conference, Manila, Philippines, 1980; Rep resentative in the UN Economic and Social Council, 1978-81; member, UN Security Council Ad-Hoc Committee on Assistance to Zambia, 1979; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Socialist Republicof Ethiopia and OAU, Addis Ababa and UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa, 1981-84; Chairman, UN Eco nomic Commission for Africa (ECA), Ad- Hoc Committee of Ten on the Rationaliza tion .and Harmonization of African Institu tions under the aegis of ECA and OAU, 1983-84; Chairman, OAU Commission of 15 on Refugees, 1983; Director, Inter-African Affairs Department, Ministryof ExternalAf fairs, Lagos, 1984-87; appointed Nigerian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten tiary to the Republic of Ireland and Iceland, 1987; member, Institute ofJournalists, 1964; Foreign Decoration: UN medal for Peace keeping Troops in the Congo (now Zaire), 1961; Publication: contributed A Wife For Nothing toAnAnthology ofWest African Lit erature; Hobbies: writing, tennis, music; Home: Port-Harcourt, Rivers State.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Public servant
Working Experience
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