BOLARINWA, Julius Yinka




B.Sc, MBA, ACIN; insurance execu tive, administrator; b: May 21, 1959; p: Ugos; ht: Esie; lga: Irepodun; so: Kwara; m: November, 1994; has four Children; ed: Baptist Grammar Sch. Isanlu-lsin, 1970-74; University of Lagos, 1980-83; Lagos State University Ojo, 1993-99; Institute of Insurance Lagos, 1993-97; cr: Asst. gm. (Marketing) Staco, 1992-2000; Branch Manager, Financial Assurance Co. Ltd., 1988-92; AssL Manager, First Nig. Insurance Company, 1988-92; md. Standard Alliance Insurance Company; mm: Chartered Institute of Insurance of Nigeria; Nigeria Institute of Management; ah: MBA Best Student in International Business Management Lagos State University, 1999; sc: second v-presd. Lion Club, Akowonjo; hob: playing chess, sporting, reading, research, documentation; off:Plot 281, Ajose Adeogun Street, Victoria Island, Lagos. teWax: 2623928; e-m:
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Insurance expert , Administrator
Working Experience
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